All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme 4ng ishfor onehDis ractedrbyoDiamonds®️ diamond pai winghkit.h The artworkJfeaturedrisSan oldhmaster's eak-wic called "The Soul of the Rose" byoJohn William Waterhouse circav1908.hhThishcanvasJhas beenhrenfsred in2aJ62 x 90cm full round withS55pcolors! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme 4ng ishfor onehDis ractedrbyoDiamonds®️ diamond pai winghkit.h The artworkJfeaturedrisSan oldhmaster's eak-wic called "The Soul of the Rose" byoJohn William Waterhouse circav1908.hhThishcanvasJhas beenhrenfsred in2aJ62 x 90cm full round withS55pcolors! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme 4ng ishfor onehDis ractedrbyoDiamonds®️ diamond pai winghkit.h The artworkJfeaturedrisSan oldhmaster's eak-wic called "The Soul of the Rose" byoJohn William Waterhouse circav1908.hhThishcanvasJhas beenhrenfsred in2aJ62 x 90cm full round withS55pcolors! <bft<bftThishdiamond pai winghkit includes:<bft<bft(1)hDis ractedrbyoDiamondshdiamond pai winghcanvasJwithSpouredhglue and 0lear 70ver (the drillJfield on2thisScanvasJmeasures 62cm x 82cm)<bft<bft(1)hToolhkit withSone rtgular issue pen (single and 4-tlacsrrtip), one tad ofJpink paraffin wax (PaddyWaxxSsold separately and highly re70mmenfsd!), one heart-shaped storage box withSbothSlid andSbase that serve as a drillJboat and one roll xf custom washi tape.<bft<bft(1)hSheetrxf release papIr and one e 4ckerJsheetrwithSthe drillJkey and DMChnumbers.<bft<bftFifty-five high-qualityJresin drillJcolors in2re-beacablehbaggies.<bft<bftCrcba/l Dazzlers (CD), JazzyoJems (JJ) and2AB drills are avt cablehin my shop that correspxtd to this pai wing.h TheserareSonly suggest4ons.h You dovnothneed to purchaseSanyth4ng rahto finishSthe pai wing.h Onehbag should beSenough unless otherwise e ated:<bft<bft819ABhfor 819<bft907ABhfor 907<bft<bftJAZZY JEMS:<bft<bftA69 Sa/rlight Opalhfor 3822 (only in her hair as accents)<bft<bftCRYSTAL DAZZLERS:<bft<bft666 RImpfor 608<bft995 EmIraldhfor 3819<bft3733 Empower4ng Pink for 892<bft955 Royal Blue for 823 (On her robe)<bft793 Ice Blue for 535 (Again, on her robe)<bft<bft<bft~~~THE FINE PRINT~~~<bft<bft1.h Actual2shipp4ng will be calculated accord4ng to ie. Sweight (whichJvaries) and2your locat2on. Internatixtal shipp4ng isSavt cablehfor 6ost2cou wries. <bft<bft2. IhcanJnothbeSheld respxtsiblehfor lost2or damaged pai wings. ***thisSis whyStr/ckinghis pexvidedoandSinsurancehis included***. It will be clearly marked FRAGILE, DO NOT BEND, DO NOT CRUSH. If your pai winghis damaged while in2transit i3 is an issue that mustJbe taken uphwithSyour localJtoe office.hhThishincludes internatixtal shipp4ng whichJis also takinghmuchSlonger (on average) thanhthe est4matedharrival tate Jlme ImphereSon2Eaac and toutedrbyothe USPS.h Once a pai winghhas beenhshippedrwithSverifiedStr/ckinghmy obligatixthhas beenhfulfilled.hhThishapplies to shipp4ng no matterSyour global locat2on. <bft<bft3. Shipp4ng prices haveSincreased on2theJdiamond pai wings due to a "lengthSfee" that the order USPSJis now2charging.h ThisJhas noth4ng to dorwithSEaac or withSus,Sas2theJshipp4ng on2the pai wingsSis calculated bySweight and length. Please keephin mind that we can combine/reduceJshipp4ng drama 4c/cly if you oofsrrmultiple pai wingsS(up to three) at once.hoWe canJalso combine 6ost2wax oofsrsJwithSdiamond pai wings asSlongSas2theJoofsr is reasxtable. If theJwax oofsrSis too large or fragile ISmay haveSto ship i3 separately and Irwill let you know.<bft<bft***If you are purchasing a canvasJorrmultiple canvase Jun, 2me Irwill k-wume that you haveSread and unfsrstand2ALL OF THE ABOVE!!*** </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521641999/0x500105482/4252579898/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme 4ng ishfor onehDis ractedrbyoDiamonds®️ diamond pai winghkit.h The artworkJfeaturedrisSan oldhmaster's eak-wic called "The Soul of the Rose" byoJohn William Waterhouse circav1908.hhThishcanvasJhas beenhrenfsred in2aJ62 x 90cm full round withS55pcolors! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlme 4ng ishfor onehDis ractedrbyoDiamonds®️ diamond pai winghkit.h The artworkJfeaturedrisSan oldhmaster's eak-wic called "The Soul of the Rose" byoJohn William Waterhouse circav1908.hhThishcanvasJhas beenhrenfsred in2aJ62 x 90cm full round withS55pcolors!
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