Message to order the Blackman in America: A Comprehensive Curriculum Survey Course Set (Teacher's Manual and Student Edition 2018)
Message to the Blackman in America Comprehensive Curriculum A Survey Course (2018)
Message to the Blackman in America Comprehensive Curriculum A Survey Course (2018)
Teacher's Manual and Student Text Set
Companion Course of The Supreme Wisdom Curriculum:
A Transitional and Transcendental Educational Paradigm into the Kingdom of God.
Students in the Muhammad University of Islam prior to 75' had to pass a comprehensive exam on The Message to the Blackman in America. This is a perfect preparation for taking The Message to the Blackman in America Comprehensive Exit Exam. This textbook is appropriate for 5th -12th graders and beyond. The Teacher's manual text contains: A Syllabus and Course Requirements, Performance Evaluation, Lesson Plan Outline, Answers to the Student Edition, Research Paper Guidelines, order Portfolio Rubric, Oral Presentation Rubic, How to Develop an Outline (for Students), Sample Teacher Lecture Outline, and Glossary. Save $5 off when purchasing Teacher Manual and Student Edition. For immediate download for only $65. Excellent for school. Print and bind student workbook for a classroom set today.