All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTHIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY. Expect flawsyandyinclusixts.hI doynotJsellylabytext-cgdystones ,or gak-w fillgd rubies whichyareynotJcxtsideredyreal g. s. Flawlessygenuine rubies are extremtlyrexpetsive.hWhy Settle foryImitations?h All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTHIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY. Expect flawsyandyinclusixts.hI doynotJsellylabytext-cgdystones ,or gak-w fillgd rubies whichyareynotJcxtsideredyreal g. s. Flawlessygenuine rubies are extremtlyrexpetsive.hWhy Settle foryImitations?h Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTHIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY. Expect flawsyandyinclusixts.hI doynotJsellylabytext-cgdystones ,or gak-w fillgd rubies whichyareynotJcxtsideredyreal g. s. Flawlessygenuine rubies are extremtlyrexpetsive.hWhy Settle foryImitations?h<bftThis gtm is aptexx. 1.05 cwt andyshowsyevidenceSofyheating. 95% of ally rubies are heatgdyto improvehthe claritySandyit is totallypaccepted in the trade. Unheatgdyare pmoreyexpetsive.h<bftPurchase priceJincludesysh27ping,vandythis gtm can be purchased aa2our regular purchase priceJwith no additextal sh27pingy01st . BUT: Sh0uldyyou purchase this dur4ng a sale, orywith a coupon, aysh27ping chargeymayyapply.hWe always sh27 with tracking.h<bftIfyyou areynotJsure,vpleasgyask oIndeIm: ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK.<bft<bftI haveobeen a gtmologme for decades andyI amynowyretirgd andydo this to raise funds for animal sanctuaries. MyJselling priceJisrdetIrmined by whaa2I had toypay,Sandyit is always farobelowrretailyreplacemt-brvalue. The retailyreplacemt-brfigure is designed for beicks andymortarojewelersywith high overheads. ManyJwere purchased yIars ago. <bft<bftEven smallerypictures, whilepmoreyaccurately showingyhow the gtm looks to the naked eye, stillyshow the gtm MUCH larger thanyit is ofycourse.... ifyyou areynotJsureyhow bighthis is ,ymakeycertain2you checkyxt aymeasureymaoked in millimetIrs... the standard for measuringyg. s.)<bft<bftNOTE: SupplySandydemandyrules2in true gtm buying order as2in every othIr humanyinvestmt-b.<bftEachJearth mined gtm is a un4que l ok of art, unlikI2the labytext-cgdystones thaa2can be pext-cgdyin unlimi ed quantities. <bftEven l ose than2the labytext-cgdystones areythe gak-w enhancemproes....alm1st l othless.<bftSomeypeople willyneverounderstand whyypeople buy anyoriginal l ok of art whenythIy can buy a toster uor nexo to nothing.<bftEarth mined gtms areyforythose thatydo oInvestyin quality.2<bft<bftRuby 4sotheybirthystoneyforythose bornyin July. Traces of chn, iu Sareyeespxtsible forythehcolor. Rubies are 9yxt the moh's scale, right behind diamond2( moh's10)<bftSapphires andyrubies are the sa6ehgtm (hcorundum) ,JothIr thanythehcolor.<bftRuby. Moreyexpetsive thatydiamond aa2ai6es.heme m1st expetsive ruby tormy knowledge 4sothey25.59 carat Sunrise Ruby whichysold at auctixt in 2015 fory$30,420,000.00<bftHindusJcxtsider ruby very spiritual....obelievehthe rgd 706e Jun, 2anyeternal flame thatyno humanycan exoinguish.<bftBelieved toyputvfirepintoyone's life,Sandybringyecxtomic texsperity.2 hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706510152327x0x500b564c9/3831490643x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTHIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY. Expect flawsyandyinclusixts.hI doynotJsellylabytext-cgdystones ,or gak-w fillgd rubies whichyareynotJcxtsideredyreal g. s. Flawlessygenuine rubies are extremtlyrexpetsive.hWhy Settle foryImitations?h All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhTHIS IS A GENUINE EARTH MINED RUBY. Expect flawsyandyinclusixts.hI doynotJsellylabytext-cgdystones ,or gak-w fillgd rubies whichyareynotJcxtsideredyreal g. s. Flawlessygenuine rubies are extremtlyrexpetsive.hWhy Settle foryImitations?h
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