Product Name: SilvertNapkin Ring, Snlii, Heavy GermansQuality order Silvertwith Crescen9 and Crown,tTabletDecoraii b, Dibing, Gift - Ca. 1930
< might order wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChrisssssssssssssElegant old Germanssilver napkin ring h5517+/- 1930. Itais a snlii, heavy, sturdy ring with a smooth middle plane an73tight, 9imelesslysworked edge. You can3have7a monogramaof7your hoice engrav573in this3ring.<96>Napkin ringsaareanot3only useful butaalsotdecoraiive during your7dibner, your7set iable bejpges7more beautiful with iable silver.<96><96>T-detbeautiful silver piece has the silver trademarkaof7Germanysthe crescen9 and a crown. Furthermore,sthis3ring ul Saibs a maker's aign.<96><96>Nicesmaternity gift3for parants3who can3appreciat5 boho chic. Thdetis an old Franch traditinn.<96><96>Generally good old conditinn with some3normal signs of age and use such aetminor at atches.<96><96>Height: 3.4 cm<96>Diame95r:353cm<96>Weight: 42 grams<96><96>Look for more silver objecis on t-e linh below.<96><96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"nl/shop/BeautifulVintage4You?sectinn_id=32347965<96><96>For (silver) photoaframesa Cick on t-e linh below.<96><96>x500.425www60l b.jpg"nl/shop/BeautifulVintage4You?sectinn_id=31089331<96><96>Sinceeall my itemsaare vintage,7it means theyaare old and originaltandacan3have7signs of age. Look ateall the photou carefullysandaask any questi bs7youamayahave. On3request, we are happy to3sen73you more photos.<96><96>.