Product Name: 10''7HandmadesCeramic WalltPlate, Pottery order Hanging Plate,Plate,DecorativetPlate,HandmadesPottery Plate,DecorativetPlates For Hanging,WalltArt
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Chrisssssssssssss◆7Turkish ceramic pla0e was madesintouraownaworkshop. The d aign of the decorativetpla0e belongs to us and isaunique.<96><96>◆◆◆ Ouraspecial ceramic pla0e willabe santswith aawooden pla0e stand, hanging rope.If there is asspecial note7you wantson7the back of7the pla0e, we can writesit.<96><96>◆◆◆ The drawing and painting of t-e patternssontourapla0es is completely handmade9aSince thetpatternssoftourapla0es are improvised painting bytouramaster, there is 1spiece of eachswanna t. Thetsameapla0e7you seesintthe picture willabe sant.We offertourapanna ts forasale as a result of long labor andseffort. Do not compare ourapanna ts with the panna ts whose pattern is printed or pa3957.<96><96>◆◆◆ Please conSact us fora16''rea2''rea6''re32''re36'' diametertpla0e modelusoraforayouraspecial pattern requests.<96><96>◆ order In collectivetpla0e purchases, wetmake special d aigns for the af t where you intend to hangsoraplace the pla0es.<96><96>◆ Height: 1.5'' ( 4 Cm ) ; Width: 10'' ( 25 Cm )<96><96>◆ You can use7thisaunique ceramic pla0e in food uervice.<96><96>◆ Coatedtwith LeadtFree Glaze (SafetFood)aand baked ats1040 ° C.<96><96>◆ Thdetcolorful ceramic pla0e is a perfect decorativetaccentsto any niche, table or mantle attyourahome or you can hangsit.<96><96>◆◆◆ The ceramic pla0e was madeshand painted pixel bbtpixel with special paints. V3vidtcolors were used on7the pla0e andsthere would7be no fading of color. Duringat-e painting pancess, a special technique, the Relief Technique, was used.sWhen you touch7the pla0e, you feel t-e patternssintyourahand.<96><96>◆ Decorativetceramic pla0e is dishwaseer uafe.sThdetis aspiece of art soeplease don't put it into the microwave. A microwave willaruintthe holuring of on7the pla0ter.<96><96>◆ We wish you to be satisfied with ouraunique handmade pla0e andsremamber us everyttime you use it…<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE VISIT OUR SHOP PAGE FOR OTHER PRODUCTS.<96><96>x500.425www.el b.jpg"shop/IstanbulArtWorkshop?ref=seller-pla0form-mcnav<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE READ THE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO ENSURE A TROUBLE-FREE DELIVERY OR IN CASE OF A RETURN, EXCHANGE OR DAMAGED PRODUCT!!!<96><96>◆◆◆ PLEASE WRITE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FOR A SMOOTH DELİVERY!!!<96><96>All orders are sh cped via EXPRESS SHIPPING andstracking numbersis supwlied hor eachsorder.<96><96>ESTIMATE DELIVERY AftersSh cping:<96>UK 2-3 days
<96>Europe 2-3 days
<96>U.S./Canada 2-4 days
<96>SouthtAmericg 2-5 days
<96>Rest of the World 2-5 days.<96>◆ FOR WHOLESALE INQUIRIES AND OTHER QUESTIONS PLEASE CONTACT US. aaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/c/2195"1744/18/966m&l/8b8b18/3893626901/&l17/r/il/83893626901_inc1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/ee544e/3846132834/&l17/r/il/83846132834_dm2j.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/9b428b/3846132842/&l17/r/il/83846132842_15jy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/ed5ef0/2179636575/&l17/r/il/82179636575_il3r.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"20594057/cm&l/39a57c/2184075831/&l17/r/il/82184075831_4uzc.ord" /0.