All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThishlis34ngpis for 50 pieces ofhextremely beautifuly100% dyedhKelly greenpovsr natural peacockynt clhwith full eye Juea hers. The length of thi Juea herpis 20-25 inches andhthe eye width range un, 21/2-2 inches. Therehwill be a mixturspof bigpandhsmall peacockyeye in this pack.