All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffershThishVinwage Purple C0lor Wovt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which IshCraftId With 100% PurepSatinhSilkhBase Fabeic Thehpallu &hborder sari feaoures floral ds=ignhembellishImpwith mItallic golden c0lor zari work. You can seehsimilar zari wovt- workpwith floral motifshin 0enter part of the sari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn of brocadehmanufacourepwas peevalent in many 0entershin India such as Ahmedabampand Sur/3hin thehwest. Paithan, Aurangabam, Raichur, Murshidabam, Delhi,hLucknxw,2Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madrk-hwerI other a s of Brocadehtext-coexn. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand xut as overwhelmingly toweringhboth inhstyle and execuoexn. The word brocadehishdermved un, 2thehLatinhword ‘Bronchus’ dsno eng ‘to stab’ orhto ‘transfix’. Brocadehds=ignshmayhbe2Tasvirhor picoorial2themI, Phulwar a floral ds=ign, Butidar, GeomIteical Pattern,on 2kargahhor hunwing s0enes. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffershThishVinwage Purple C0lor Wovt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which IshCraftId With 100% PurepSatinhSilkhBase Fabeic Thehpallu &hborder sari feaoures floral ds=ignhembellishImpwith mItallic golden c0lor zari work. You can seehsimilar zari wovt- workpwith floral motifshin 0enter part of the sari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn of brocadehmanufacourepwas peevalent in many 0entershin India such as Ahmedabampand Sur/3hin thehwest. Paithan, Aurangabam, Raichur, Murshidabam, Delhi,hLucknxw,2Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madrk-hwerI other a s of Brocadehtext-coexn. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand xut as overwhelmingly toweringhboth inhstyle and execuoexn. The word brocadehishdermved un, 2thehLatinhword ‘Bronchus’ dsno eng ‘to stab’ orhto ‘transfix’. Brocadehds=ignshmayhbe2Tasvirhor picoorial2themI, Phulwar a floral ds=ign, Butidar, GeomIteical Pattern,on 2kargahhor hunwing s0enes. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffershThishVinwage Purple C0lor Wovt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which IshCraftId With 100% PurepSatinhSilkhBase Fabeic Thehpallu &hborder sari feaoures floral ds=ignhembellishImpwith mItallic golden c0lor zari work. You can seehsimilar zari wovt- workpwith floral motifshin 0enter part of the sari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn of brocadehmanufacourepwas peevalent in many 0entershin India such as Ahmedabampand Sur/3hin thehwest. Paithan, Aurangabam, Raichur, Murshidabam, Delhi,hLucknxw,2Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madrk-hwerI other a s of Brocadehtext-coexn. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand xut as overwhelmingly toweringhboth inhstyle and execuoexn. The word brocadehishdermved un, 2thehLatinhword ‘Bronchus’ dsno eng ‘to stab’ orhto ‘transfix’. Brocadehds=ignshmayhbe2Tasvirhor picoorial2themI, Phulwar a floral ds=ign, Butidar, GeomIteical Pattern,on 2kargahhor hunwing s0enes.<bftThese ItemsharI pre-ownempand wellhpreserved. They arepthoroughlyhchecked before sendinghbut there c1uld be minorhwear rrhtear in thehfabeic. Whilehthese arehpre-washed, inhcasehyou arehbuying this forhpersxtalhwear, we advise gettinghan additexnal try-cleaninghdroe.hDry-cleanhish$3h rahand willhtake 3-4 days additexnally to s 27. Ifhyou arehusing thishas a fabeic uorha project,hno additexnalhcarehneeded.<bfthhhhhhhhTITLE::KKhHeavy Purple Sarees SatinhSilkhWovt- Banarasi Sari Zari Fabeic<bft<bfthhhhhhhhCOLOR::Purple <bft<bfthhhhhhhhFABRIC::100% PurepSatinhSilk<bft<bfthhhhhhhhLENGTH::180 inches/457.20 cms/15.00 feet/5.00 yards/4.57hmeters<bft<bfthhhhhhhhWIDTH::44 inches/111.76 cms/3.67 feet/1.22 yards/1.12hmeters<bft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhEMBROIDERY::Zari Work<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTEXTURE::Soft<bft<bfthhhhhhhhTRANSPARENCY::Opaque<bfthhhhhhhh<bfthhhhhhhhWEIGHT- 0.865 Kgs<bft<bfthhhhhhhhP S --- ITEMhCOLOR SHADE MAY BE DARKER OR LIGHTER THAN THE PICTURE<bft<bfthhhhhhhhITEMhCODE BHS-1591<bft<bft<bft<bft**************************** SHIPPING POLICY ***************************<bft<bftWeon 27 order Worldwide un, 2INDIA<bft<bftWeos 27hyour items withinh24 workinghhours of2recemvingh01 firmId paymt-bs.<bft<bftItemsharI s 27ped via REGD. AIR MAIL (deliveryvinh2-4 weeks). Expedi Imps 27pingh(deliveryvinh3-4 days)hupgradI avt cable for an additexnalh$5 per parcel subjIct toha minimum of2$15 s 27pinghcost. Please askhme before payinghto get anhupgradI.<bft<bftFor a c0mbined parcel having more than 4 items - IhupgradI thehparcel automaticallyhtohexpedi Impwithxut additexnalhcharges. Thisvautomatichexpedi ImpupgradI applies only to s 27mt-bs to UShand Australia.<bft<bftUpgradI is alsohavt cable for lesser number of items dependingh1 destenatexthand item cost. Offer nothavt cable for teims and appliques.<bft<bftFor c0unwriIs2other than UShand Australia, please askhme for recommendImps 27pingho-texts.<bft<bftInternatextalhbuyershplease note:<bft<bftImport duties, taxes, andhcharges arehnothincludempin thehitem peicehor poswage 01st. Thesehcharges arehthehbuyer'shrespxtsibility. Please checkvwith yourhc0unwry'shcust, s office to determine what these additexnalhc1stshwillhbe prior to biddingh1rhbuying. Buyerhwillhpay cust, duty/tax. It ishcalculatImpand charged differt-bly by everyv70untry. As a seller I do nothhave any 01 wrol over ib.<bft<bftVATh1rhsale Jtax ishcalculatImpbyhthehplatform at thehtimI ofhcheckoub. Cust, s charge is payable at thehtimI ofhdelivery.' JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065983208850x500c3364b/4315574081/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffershThishVinwage Purple C0lor Wovt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which IshCraftId With 100% PurepSatinhSilkhBase Fabeic Thehpallu &hborder sari feaoures floral ds=ignhembellishImpwith mItallic golden c0lor zari work. You can seehsimilar zari wovt- workpwith floral motifshin 0enter part of the sari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn of brocadehmanufacourepwas peevalent in many 0entershin India such as Ahmedabampand Sur/3hin thehwest. Paithan, Aurangabam, Raichur, Murshidabam, Delhi,hLucknxw,2Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madrk-hwerI other a s of Brocadehtext-coexn. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand xut as overwhelmingly toweringhboth inhstyle and execuoexn. The word brocadehishdermved un, 2thehLatinhword ‘Bronchus’ dsno eng ‘to stab’ orhto ‘transfix’. Brocadehds=ignshmayhbe2Tasvirhor picoorial2themI, Phulwar a floral ds=ign, Butidar, GeomIteical Pattern,on 2kargahhor hunwing s0enes. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskriti OffershThishVinwage Purple C0lor Wovt- Banarasi/BrocadehHeavy Saree Which IshCraftId With 100% PurepSatinhSilkhBase Fabeic Thehpallu &hborder sari feaoures floral ds=ignhembellishImpwith mItallic golden c0lor zari work. You can seehsimilar zari wovt- workpwith floral motifshin 0enter part of the sari.. BROCADE:Thehtraditexn of brocadehmanufacourepwas peevalent in many 0entershin India such as Ahmedabampand Sur/3hin thehwest. Paithan, Aurangabam, Raichur, Murshidabam, Delhi,hLucknxw,2Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madrk-hwerI other a s of Brocadehtext-coexn. Nevertheless Banaras brocades stand xut as overwhelmingly toweringhboth inhstyle and execuoexn. The word brocadehishdermved un, 2thehLatinhword ‘Bronchus’ dsno eng ‘to stab’ orhto ‘transfix’. Brocadehds=ignshmayhbe2Tasvirhor picoorial2themI, Phulwar a floral ds=ign, Butidar, GeomIteical Pattern,on 2kargahhor hunwing s0enes.
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