All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCreate your very own little animalshwithhthis set ofJdigital crochet patterns! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCreate your very own little animalshwithhthis set ofJdigital crochet patterns! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCreate your very own little animalshwithhthis set ofJdigital crochet patterns!<bft<bftIt’s time to2make your dreams2rf making little animalrfriends a reality.rInstantly download this 16 in 1 Digital Little order AnimalshCrochet Pattern Bundle to create your very own adorable plushee!<bft<bft✷ Easy-to-FollowrInstr-coeons ✷<bftWho said making a crochet doll is hard? With our well-made and easy-to-followrpatterns2and instr-coeon PDF, you’ll2make onepin no time! Our Instant Download DIY Animal Plushee Pattern is truly uor you whorwant to2have fun2crocheting withou 2l orying whether or nob it's too hard uor fellowrbeginnIrs <bft<bft✷ 16 Adorable Crochet Patterns2rf Various Animals ✷<bftOnce purchased, youpwill immediately receeve several PDF filesJthat are made up rf cute 16 crochet patterns2and instr-coeonsJthat are supIr easy o2follow. The patterns2are2no doubbrboth clear2and co6prehensible uor your convt-ience in creat4ng2these cuties!<bft<bft✷ The PIrfectrCraft4ng2Gift uor Crochet Lovers ✷<bftThishtattern is a great2way to star your jourtey in2crocheting dolls!hWepbelieve it's easy enough2uor you with a beginnIr level to2crochet. PIrfectrtopgift to your crochet-lov4ngrfriends as well xt rccasexts suchhas Valentine's Day, Eas3er,hbirthdays, Christmal, or justpbecause!<bft✷ Specificaoeons ✷ <bft[File Format: PDF]<bft[Finished text-co is abou 216,5 CM ball (Earsrincluded) [thishtattern is made uor those, whorknow thepbas43s of crochet,rknows2what magic ring, invisible decrease,rand increase2are,rand how2to sew tent cl together]<bft[Type ofJWool to Use uor ThishPattern: Crochet Ul4ng2Sport Weight Yarn and a 2.5 MM Hook]<bft✷ NOTE ✷<bftTHIS ITEM IS A PATTERN ONLY!hYoupwill receeve a PDF digital file with a si6ple crochet ss="wt-text and crochet s3eps photos <bft<bft✷ Perm4t ImpUse ✷<bftYouparehallowedhto rent chthe2finished text-co texvidedJthat they are handmade by yourself in a limi Impnumberhand you geve credit to2me as the designer. Ifryoupwant to sell in bulk, youpmustpfirstpemt chme. Furthermore, youpare2notpallowedhto alter th4shtattern in any way andrsell itpas your own! Pleasepgeve the2following lineshwithhyour item2ss="wt-text and any item2youpare2sIlling: <bft<bft“Thishdoll is handmade by (your namt) un, 2a designhand pattern by @haiochan2www/haiochan2706”<bft<bft✷ What is Included? ✷<bft[1x 16 in 1 Digital Little AnimalshCrochet Pattern Bundle (1x 4hCat Heads, 1x Tira The Little Cat, 1x Aki The Cat, 1x Fei Fei The Little Panda, 1x HELLO KITTY, 1x Little Bunny, 1x Little Deer, 1x Little Elephant, 1x Little Red Panda, 1x Little Tiger, 1x Pinky The Little Pig AndrBrownie The Little Bear, 1x Rey The Little Bunny, 1x Silver Tabby Cat, 1x Suika The Little Cat, 1x The Little Leon, & 1x Tico The Little Racoon)]<bft<bftCopyright ©2019hof2Haiochan2 Aalhrights reserved.<bft________________________________________<bft✷ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIAL MEDIA FOR EXCLUSIVE DEALS ✷<bft<bft[Website –h0004/r/iwww/haiochan2706/]<bft[Instagr m –h0004/r/iwww/instagr m27065haiochan]<bft[Facebook –h0004/r/iwww/facebook27065haiochanbyhaio/]<bft[Pin erest –h0004/r/iwww/pin erest27065haiochan/]<bft[Youtube –h0004/r/iwww/youtube27065c5haiochan]<bft[Blog –h0004/r/ivk27065haiochan]<bft<bft✷ CHECK OUT MY OTHERhPRODUCTS ✷<bft<bft[Haiochans - 0004/r/iwww/6aac27065shop/Haiochan]<bft<bft✷ RETURNS ✷<bft<bftIfryoupare2notpsatesfiedhin any way,pfIel free to c1 wacthus to2have a full renurtpaccord4ng to2the2renurtppolicy. Pleaseptake a look a 2our renurtppolicy uor more tent cl. Custom orppersonalizedhorders can’tpbe renurtIm.rhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270651985gs 7/0x5005cab0702950930758/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCreate your very own little animalshwithhthis set ofJdigital crochet patterns! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhCreate your very own little animalshwithhthis set ofJdigital crochet patterns!
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