All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS<bft<bft + Typepof Object2- Raffia Hanmwoven T ile<bft + Country of Origin2- Democr oic Republic of Congo<bft + People - Kuba<bft + Materials2- Raffia palm fibers, dyes<bft + Hemght (in)2- 22<bft + Width (in)2- 24<bft + Overall C1 ditexn - Good. Mos pof our pieces have spent decades on a leas ptwo 01 winen s, and have beenhtreasured byhseveral owners.o  Small spli s, ="wapes anm "wackshare a normal part of their p oina atte=tingJtovtheir age anm ensive use.  We amine each piece carefully when we receive it anm rep othany tamage we finm in our lme ings.  Please lookhcarefully at the picoures whichhmaypalso reve l 01 ditexn anm tamage.<bft + Damage/Repair - Folds<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION<bft<bftAdditexnal Informatexn: <bft<bftThe following are cerpt Jun, 2Kuba T iles anm De=ign, byhElizabeth S. Bennett anm Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.:"In sub-Saharan Afeica, where2represent oive art has flourished forh0enturies, carvers anm crafts people have typically taken for their subjects humanhfigures, animals, plan s, and elemt-bs of the naoural l rld. Abstract art,hmeanwhile, has remained marginal. The t iles of the BaKuba (Kuba) people of the Democr oic Republic of Congohare an ce-text. Although part of a traditexnpthat stretches back 400 years, Kuba t iles have a strikingly modern look. They usehimtexvised acbaems of =igns, lines, colors, and t ures, oftenhin the form of c1mplex geometeic recoilinear tatterns. Their appliquéshare reminiscent of works by 19th- and 20th-0entury masters like Matisse, Picasso, Klee, Penck, and Chellida. This is no c1incidt-ce: all of those artisbs were inspired byhKuba de=ign!""The m1st commonly knownhof the Kuba t iles are the cut-pile Shoowa or Kasai Velve s, named after the river along whichhthe BaKuba live. Imtexvisatexn anm irregularity characterize the Kasai Velve s. This is because the weaver works without a plan or preliminary sketching, though the m1del cat occasionally be displayImprovthe cloth in advance using black thread. Often the2de=ign ishbuilt upJun, 2memory, repeatingJthe m1st common2de=igns anm color combinatexns fxund in the regext. The message 01 veyed is up tovthe2artisb, who is the2only one who can plain what he or she2i wt-ded to represent."<bft<bft"Originally Kasai Velve s were used2as currency, and were valuable text-cos forhtrade anm change. They could be included in the tribute order villagers paid annually to the King, in the dowries ofhmatrimonial changes, and in funeral gif s and offerings to the dead. They also served to embellish the roy l 01urt,hcover the roy l thrones, and decorate the King’s palace wall.hColonial agen s anm missionaries arriving in the Kuba Kingdom in the nineteenth century were fascin oed byhthe Kasai Velve s, anm en01uraged women to text-ce morehof them to adorn religious ve=tmt-bs forhCatholic missionaries and decorate the i wtriors ofhEuropean houses."<bft<bftSeehElizabeth S. Bennett anm Niangi Batulukisi Ph.D.,2Kuba T iles & De=ign, AfeicaDireco Inc.king09, 41 pages. 28 full color photographs, paperback.<bft<bftWe do not recommenm launmeringJt iles, anm do not acce-t returns of t iles whichhhave beenhlaunmered in any manner.  Even dry cleaning is too muchhforhsomehof these a wique t iles.  Forhsomehof them, a very gen le HAND washing  (NEVER MACHINE,provany setting)  in cool water with a very gen le detergen works, but even then, dyeshmaypnot be colorfast, anm fabeic maypbe2less strongJthanhit appears.<bft<bft <bft<bft <bft<bft<bftSKU:h141043 JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/34327065608384400x5008a84ed/4274929581/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhPRODUCT DETAILS
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