All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovgly piece of fabricSbypSwedmsh ds=ignerJStighomndberg.hem byfanwasbic mid ct-burypmodern patwern isvcalled Grazia grande, and order byin aylovely greenhcolorywith a lhite patwern.y All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovgly piece of fabricSbypSwedmsh ds=ignerJStighomndberg.hem byfanwasbic mid ct-burypmodern patwern isvcalled Grazia grande, and order byin aylovely greenhcolorywith a lhite patwern.y Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovgly piece of fabricSbypSwedmsh ds=ignerJStighomndberg.hem byfanwasbic mid ct-burypmodern patwern isvcalled Grazia grande, and order byin aylovely greenhcolorywith a lhite patwern.y<bft<bftem bypatwern isvone of m bymost lovedhanf well known.<bft<bftMadehin high qualityytreviraylinen, mediumyweight. ehe fabricShas aylovely luster.<bft<bftWould look2amazing as aywall hangingydecora ioo.<bft<bft<bftWidth: 150 cm. / 60"<bft<bftLength: 50 cm. / 20"<bft<bft<bftOne of Sweden'bymost important postwar ds=igners,homndberg created lhimsical studiopceramics anf graceful tableware lines2duringya lrog career with the Gustavsberg pottery factory. Stighomndberg studied painting at tme2UnivIrsityyCollege of Arts,hCrafts anf Ds=ign. In 1937, he lent toJl ok at Gustavsberg under Wilhelm Kåge. In 1949, he las named Kåge'bysuccessoryabyart director. Fn, 2thisJperiod until he left Gustavsberg in 1980, he ds=ignedhindividual ceramic ie. ,yabywell as factoryytext-cedhranges anf lines2ofydinnerware oHe achievedhfame2uorJhisJecct-bricJuormsJand lhimsical decora ioo. In 1982, he died due to a myocardial infarc ioo.<bft<bftThank you for looking!<bft<bft<bftWe will be happc to 706b2ne s 27ping.<bftExcessive s 27ping costs will be refundedSfor ordIrs2with multiple ie. .<bft<bft<bft<bftTo our Eaac shop: www.6aac27065shop/inspiria hhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657360495/0x500f3e26e/2016146687/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovgly piece of fabricSbypSwedmsh ds=ignerJStighomndberg.hem byfanwasbic mid ct-burypmodern patwern isvcalled Grazia grande, and order byin aylovely greenhcolorywith a lhite patwern.y All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovgly piece of fabricSbypSwedmsh ds=ignerJStighomndberg.hem byfanwasbic mid ct-burypmodern patwern isvcalled Grazia grande, and order byin aylovely greenhcolorywith a lhite patwern.y
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