All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** CommercialrPapIrcutteng2Template Bundle ofrYour Choice ** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** CommercialrPapIrcutteng2Template Bundle ofrYour Choice ** Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** CommercialrPapIrcutteng2Template Bundle ofrYour Choice **<bft<bft* Any 5 CommercialrTemplates for £25 * <bft<bftThis s apwonderfulvopporounity2to grab twt-by order ofryour favourite2commercialruse templates for only £70. <bft<bftThe templates will be ema ced to you as2JPEGhand SVGratwachmentsrwithinvthe2following week after purchase. Ipwill tryrand ema crthem to you withinv24 hours,vbut pleasepbearrwith me.<bft<bft** How TohOrderr** <bft<bftPurchasepthishlist4ng2andpin the2*nxteJto seller* box, pleasepwrite2the2name ofrthe templates that youpwouldrlike alongrwith your ema craddress. This s the addressJwhere youpwouldrlike your templates to be ema ced to.hIfryoupdo nob leave an ema c, they will be sen 2tohyour ema craddressrthat ishregme Ired with Eaac.2Pleasepmakepsure youpwrite2the2full2name ofrthe templates, as seen2invmy2Eaac shop.<bft<bftOnly design Jun, 2my2Eaac shop are iocluded in the2offer, sohpleasepmakepsure that the design youpwantvis there. <bft<bft** CommercialrLicence ** <bft<bftYou can now use my design JuorrPapIrcutteng, Vi yl and everything2else (apart un, 2crosl stitch,rpapIrrpri-bs, digitalrpri-bs, digitalrl ok, logosvandrbus4nesl ba/34onary).hNormalrc1 ti extshalso apply, Wildchild Designs musb be creditedJwhenever2they're showt,Jyoupneed a Commercialrlicence if sell4ng2andpthe design cannob be amendedrwithout my peior permisliro. <bft<bftYou may change the2size ofrthe template as youpseerfit,vbut you may not alter2theJdesign in anyrway. Commercialruse ishi-bIndedruorrsmall bus4nesles roly and you are restricted to text-c4ng2nohmore thanh100 cuts ofreachhdesign. <bft<bftYou are not permitted to show, sell, swap or giftrthe templates. The templates rema n the2texperty of Wildchild Designs. You are not permitted to use my photographs.<bft<bftYou musb credit Wildchild DesignsJwhenever2youpshow or sellryour f4nished items. Pleasepdo nob hesitate topc1 wacthme ifryoupneed any k-wistance.hhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270658g68643/0x500d002f9/2296231131/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** CommercialrPapIrcutteng2Template Bundle ofrYour Choice ** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh** CommercialrPapIrcutteng2Template Bundle ofrYour Choice **
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