Product Name: Collector's Big Box Set - Might order and Magic VI and VII (CIB?)
I was tempted to keep these and then I remembered how much Legend of Grimrock order terrified the jeebus out of me. There is something about old retro fp games that reek of having monstrosities just out of your line of sight. I think vii is missing its map unfortunately. Pretty much mint condition and mostly complete otherwise. Not really sure what to price it. Note: I might leave out the hint guide. It has rudimentary printed maps, etc. It is just half a pound alone. Please mention if you want it shipped for a potentially higher price. Also, I do have other big box games (Revenant, a CRPG I believe, and Rage of Mages) as well as a looooooot of PC games. If you're interested in collecting interesting titles, feel free to ask what I have.