Product Name: ZOX Beet the Odds order Torpedo Tom Sunset Slim Rarebare 1 Bracelet/3 Magnets
SIZE SMALL...main photo is a stock photo. Number on bracelet for sale here is #0107. These were one of Zox's Tuesday ZOTD Challenge bracelets. They sold out super super fast. Soooo fast. The bracelet you are buying in this listing is the one that matches the Torpedo Tom magnet (the rarest one- only 333 made). The order card, bracelet and magnet all have #0107 on them. The other two magnets came from other bracelets I ordered and have other numbers on them. I am selling you all three magnets along with one bracelet (cause who needs three of the same bracelet?). If you also want any of my other bracelets, you will have to message me for a bundle listing if you want to save on shipping. Unfortunately on Mercari there isn't any other way, as I don't even have access to the amount you pay for shipping and therefore can't refund it in any way.