Fighting The Chinese Virus... painting, order 40,5x30,5 cm, 15.94x12.01", COVID, pandemie, government failure, mixed media, paintboard, fantasy
OOAK original unique collage mixed media
Titel: Fighting The Chinese Virus
Collage with mixed Media.
OOAK, original, unique, collage, mixed media
Titel: Fighting The Chinese Virus
Collage with mixed Media and acrylics on paint board, varnish
40.5 x 30.5 cm / 15.94x12.01"
This painting was made following a call to an art contest in november 2020.
Please note: the rendition of colours is depending to your screen and could be changed slightly, therefore no colour guarantee. All my customers confirmed, in reality the paintings are much more colourful and lovelier than pictured originally.
Only high class order materials are used, all paintings are twice varnished for protection.
Framing is not necessary, since all sides are painted.
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