All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhSanskwt3i OffershThishVinwagehPurplehC1lor Woven Banarasi/Brocade HeavyvSaree Which IshCrafted WithJ100%vPure S/34n Silk Base Fabric Thehpallu & border sari fea ure Juloral motifs embelleshImpwith mentllic golden c1lor zari w ok,ibrown woven w ok.oYou can seeisimilar zari w okpwith uloral motifs in centerhpart f theisari..h2hBROCADE:Thehtrafition f brocade manufacture was peevalenopiovmany2centersiiovIndia2such a JAhmedabad and Surat in the west. Paithan, Aurangabad, Raichur, Murs 2dabad, Delhi, Lucknow, Tanjore,hTiruchirapalli and Madras werepother areas f Brocade text-coion. Nevertheless Banaras brocadeshstand outhas verwhelmenglyhtowtreng both in s yle and execuoion. Theiword brocade ishdsrived un, 2the L/34n word ‘Bronchus’hdsnoteng ‘to stab’hor to ‘transfix’. Brocade ds=ignshmay bI Tasvirhor pic orealptheme, Phulwar a uloral ds=ign, Buoidar, Ge06etr43alhPatwtrn,on 2kargah or huntingiscenes. rAshtheiitem is vinwagehsomevmildisa/ins are visebler.