Steelhead Painting / Giclee Prints / Fly Fishing Artwork / Fish Painting order / Salmon Portrait / Trout Art Digital Painting / Brown Trout
Holiday Deadlines to arrive by Christmas: Framed prints - December 5 Paper Prints.
Holiday Deadlines to arrive by Christmas: Framed prints - December 5, Paper Prints - December 11. Prints are made to order, and the printer is currently processing orders for shipment within 7-8 days.
Portrait of Steelhead. This portrait is available as Giclee paper prints in the following sizes: 9x12, 12x16, 15x20, and 18x24 inches. Framed prints are available with free shipping.
All Giclee prints are printed with Archival Ink on Premium Giclee Paper with a half inch border
Specifications- Thickness 21 mil, Weight 310 g/m², Printer Canon iPF8300, Canon Lucia Inks
Put simply, this is a durable, vibrant, fade-resistant option.
Frame: Black, Gallery Frame, Snow white matting, acrylic glass. Please note, all framed prints take around 7 days to custom frame before shipping.
Frame size:
9x12 prints - 12x15 frame
12x16 prints - 15x19 frame
15x20 prints - 18x23 frame
18x24 prints - 21x27 frame
Copyright 2018 order