Big format book on Kalotaszeg, part of order Transylvania populated by Hungarian minority. Book title: Borbély Anikó Várady Pál
Kalotaszeg - Alszeg, Nádasmente, Kapus vidéke, Átmeneti vidék. Hungarian language book with a huge amount of photo documentation on folk art, traditional folk costumes, embroidery, architecture, lifestyle and villages. Kalotaszeg is a region within Transylvania, consisting 40 villages, and this book is about four regions within this area: Alszeg, Nádasmente, Kapus vidéke and Átmeneti vidék. The book discusses folk architecture of villages, both residential houses and public buildings such as churches, and also all other aspects of village life and folk art. Folk costumes, embroidery and woodcarving, traditional interiors and celebrations etc.. Book has 136 pages, hardcover, size 23,5 x 31,5 cm, published in 1990, publisher Zrínyi Nyomda. Condition of the book is excellent, I think it was never read, only maybe a very slight signs of usage can be seen on the cover because of storage.
Product code: Kalotaszeg Transylvania Hungarian traditional folk art embroidery architecture order folklore book