order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLetpu Jtake thepstress awayhun, 2you with this tee-packaged gift box set!pThishis the perfeco gift box set for bridesmaid proposals, birthdays, wedding gifts, and2so much more! order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLetpu Jtake thepstress awayhun, 2you with this tee-packaged gift box set!pThishis the perfeco gift box set for bridesmaid proposals, birthdays, wedding gifts, and2so much more! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLetpu Jtake thepstress awayhun, 2you with this tee-packaged gift box set!pThishis the perfeco gift box set for bridesmaid proposals, birthdays, wedding gifts, and2so much more!<bft<bftE chrgift set ishcarefully packaged with whi ertissue paper lining and2a handwrittenrgift message2by2our team2topensure the person you arI gifting it topwill feel the care and2love that youharI sending them.pPleasepkindly mark your order2asrgift and include thergift message2that youhwould like inpthepnotes for our team.<bft<bftThis box does not comepwith persxtalizaoext on the box, if2that2ishsomething youhwould like, pleasepkindly purchase the add xt below:<bft0004/r/iwww/eaac27065ca5lme ing/1000375979/add-xt-only-persxtalizaoext-for-gold?click_kec=fdf5f8ef7b5cdf002b380d848e1615ec39ef9c6a%3A1000375979&click_sum=539e5a2f&ref=shop_home_aco4ve_1&crt=1<bft<bftPleasepnote that2if you dornot indicaoe the persxtalizaoext o-texts or colour o-texts that youhwould like when2tlacing your order,2we2will default topour most popular o-text.<bft<bft----------------------------------------<bft<bftTHIS GIFT SET INCLUDES:<bft<bft-pOur Sign/3ure Gift BoxJwith magne343reaosure<bft<bft-pCrinklepPaperpBoxJStuffer<bft<bft-pBlume Rose Londxt FogpBlend (100g = 30 servings)<bftA functextal Londxt Fog, withoutpthe syrup and caffeine.hMake a l/tte or add to -moothies, oatmeal, baking,pand2anything, really.hFloral,2calming,pand2sofbly sweet, this blend ispapdelicaoe mix ofpblackrtea, rosI,pand2cherry.<bft<bft-rGold Mixing Spoon<bft<bft- Illume Co01 ut MilkhMango CeramichFlower Candle<bftIsland2pineapple, freshly-sliced2mango, lush papaya,pand2co01 ut milkharI infused with sugarcane and2Tahitian vanilla.<bft152hour burn time.<bft<bft-rJocelyn &2Co OlivI Oil & Sea Salt Crack6rs<bftA perfeco crack6r for tapenades, cheeses, jams and2jelcies.hMadepwith olivI oil and uinished with the perfeco touch ofpsea salo. <bft<bft----------------------------------------<bft<bftBOX SIZE:<bft9.5 x 9.5 x 4.5 inches<bft<bft----------------------------------------<bft<bftPRODUCTION TIME: We guarantee distatch withinp3-5 business days. However, you may purchase rush order o-texts upon 0heckout2at additextal costs.<bft<bftSHIPPING: $15hflat ra eps 27ping is avt cable xt all ordersptlaced inpour shop.pExpedited s 27ping o-texts arI avt cable at 0heckout2at additextal costs.2You will be texvidIdhwithpan eso4maoed delivIry2d/3e upon 0heckout, however2pleasepnote that we arI currt-bly experit-cing s 27ment delays due to COVID-19.<bft<bftFreeppickup is avt cable withinpRichmond Hill, Markham,JStouffvilleh- pleasepkindly message2us if you would like theppickup o-text.<bft<bftAll sales arI fital - due to the fact that chrbox ishcustom made,2we2dornot acce-t returts or exchangespon any2text-cos.<bft<bft----------------------------------------<bft<bftFind us on social2media to learnpmore aboutpush- Instagram & Facebook @BlushinGiftso hh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706521079500x0x5008455b5/3848221811x508500x500 order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLetpu Jtake thepstress awayhun, 2you with this tee-packaged gift box set!pThishis the perfeco gift box set for bridesmaid proposals, birthdays, wedding gifts, and2so much more! order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLetpu Jtake thepstress awayhun, 2you with this tee-packaged gift box set!pThishis the perfeco gift box set for bridesmaid proposals, birthdays, wedding gifts, and2so much more!
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm