Yosemite Oil Painting Original order Landscape Painting on Wood Panel 8x8" Yosemite Bridge mountain National Park Art Impasto Oil Painting
Yosemite Oil painting Original landscape painting on wood panel 8x8".
Yosemite Oil painting Original landscape painting on wood panel 8x8" mountain river scene National Park Art impasto oil painting
Original oil painting by Olga Rodina!
✔ Title: “ Yosemite NP “
✔ Size: 8x8 inches, (20x20 cm) on Wooden paint Palette
✔ Signed on the front and back
✔ Unframed.
This painting was created with ecofriendly and absolutely safe materials. The underlay is a hard board, manufactured from a couple of layers of wood. Painting itself is created with professional high quality oil order paints. Upon completion artwork is covered with varnish to secure the painting and make sure saturated colors do not fade for many years.
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