Grenat Démantoide de Madagascar dim 5.5x6cm weight 100g,Hard to find new parts because the quarry has been closed for several order years
Demantoide garnet from Madagascar
Sun 55x6cm
weight 100g
Andradite is a mineral species of the silicate group.
Demantoide garnet from Madagascar
Sun 5.5x6cm
weight 100g
Andradite is a mineral species of the silicate group. These varieties are very popular as fine stones, some crystals can reach 7 cm.
Beautiful piece, beautiful composition!! Very beautiful fires!! Hard to find new parts because the quarry has been closed for several years. Just some tiny room that comes out by makeshift miners..
Indispensable in any collection worthy of the name,make a gift, a pleasure. Present in a box.
Collector's item!!
End of stock .
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