PLATFORM 20 can be styled as playful as it can be - organizer, planter, tray, stand and background for props/food styling, bringing a perfect accent to any space.
Silicone feet are installed underneath every platform which cause no harm to order any surface you're placing on. With the nature of ceramic tile, they are low in maintanence with good resistance from stain and water. Please see CARE section below for further details.
Our CHECKER range comes in white/black for tile colour and various grout colour options. For other colourway, please see BASIC, PLAY and COLOUR range.
Designed + Handcrafted in Manchester, UK
4-6 weeks lead time from date of purchase
+ L 23 x W 23 x H 7 cm *
+ ~3kg
+ wood + ceramic tiles + grout
+ low maintenance piece
+ grout sealed for basic water/stainproof **
Product code: PLATFORM 20 order | CHECKER