Product Name: Vi tage RetrotMid-Century Modern9Tumblers With9Red D amond order EnameltDeaign, Eight
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOffering this3setsof eightaRetrotmod, MCM7tumblers orsT517CollinusgClaueu withsa red d amond oraflame typetdeaign. Theyaare all in lverall excellent cl ditinn.aNo ce cu, cracks,9scratchessor repairs and theyaare shiny inside and outside, no faring to the enamel. Theyaare 5 1/4 inc-esstall and 2 3/8 inc-essw3de. Excellent set. T-anks for looking.<96><96>PREFERRED PAYMENT IS BY PAY PAL<96>SHIPPING AND RETURN POLICY: <96>********Iscan'tsstress this3strongly enough:tPlease7Read Everything poesedshere including the9-tex k at this b.<96>I do my9best to represent the9-texs cl ditinn ao3accurately as possible. Itexs are photographed as theyaare and t-e pictures are antimportant7part of the k at this b. If there are any7notableaflaws orsdamage theyawill be kisclosed in t-e7k at this b. My in0erpretatinn9of good or9excellent mightabesdifferantsthansyours i regard to the age or use ofsan9-tex.<96>********** If youahave9any7ques0ions ask before buying. I7do notsaccept returns unlesssan9-texawould be grossly misrepresented, which9issholremely unlikely9aIf youapurchasesan9-texaand decidesto returnait, the returnash cping clsts are at your9expense. Please7readathe entiresk at this baand look at all t-e pictures: If youaneed3moresinformatinn9or9picturesaplease7letsme know9and Itwill be gladsto lau339 you.<96><96>Isonly sh c to the address that9is l339573319El btat t-e7timeaof9your9purchase. Forayour9wantection9as well9as mine, I7do notssh c to alternate addresses9aBuyers are resplns3ble forahaving their9address current and7up to date before yourapurchasesan9-tex. If youarequest an9address change af0er the factreyouawill be billed9additinnal3sh cping clsts if the3sh cping is more to the new9address.tNo9exceptions.<96>Please7make sure youaask9any7ques0ions youahave9and that9you are makingaaapurchasesyou in0end9totfollowathrough withsas all sal a are hinal, no returns or cancellatinns. <96>All -texs will be packedswithscare, fully9insured and sh cped with9tracking.<96>T-anksyou for9considering the9-texs I have9for saletin mbtshop and youacan7buyswithsconfidence. I7do notsaccept returns. Every -tex is inspected9carefully9before it9is l339573and anytaignificant defects orsdamage, if any, are noted in t-e7li39ing. Anytexi39ingsdamage or defects, if any, will be noted with piclures as well9as in the9-tex k at this b. Itexs are inspected9carefully9againabefore beingspackedsfor sh cping. All -texs are packedscarefully, fully9insured and sh order cped with9tracking and orsaignaturesconfirmatinn9aIf sh cping clsts seem high,aplease7ul Sa tameawithsyour9city and esate9and zip clde for9a3quote. <96>Preferred Method ofaPaymant is byaPayaPal. <96> Isonly sh c byaUSPS9and may9use UPS for larger3packages9aIf the3sh cping carriersdamages the9-tex in transitreyou, t-e7buyeraneed3to file9aaclaimtwithst-em for reimbursemant. Youawill need3to save9t-e7originaltbox,3packing ma0erials and damaged9-texaas theyamay9require you to9wanna e9t-e7evidence ofadamage in9order for9t-em to9reimburse you. aItwill send you the necessary receipts in the9unlikely9event you need3to file9aash cping claim.7USAash cping only and Noash cping to APO-FPO9address.t<96>Please7f5el9free to ul Sa tameaif youaneed3any9additinnal3informatinn9or9more piclures and Itwill be happy to9lau339 you. ***** Five star ra9ingsis greatly apprecia0ed when3youareceivesyour9-tex. *****<96>T-anks for looking. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750mcm&l/3645b5/2887791333/&l17/r/il/82887791333_pyk1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750mcm&l/63a4dc/2840125198/&l17/r/il/82840125198_czfw.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750mcm&l/5254b9/288779ak-3/&l17/r/il/8288779ak-3_dfhh.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750mcm&l/3847a4/288779a349/&l17/r/il/8288779a349_kkjh.ord" /0.