Product Name: Storm Hy-Road Nano Bowling Ball NIB order 14#
Offered to sell: new Storm Hy-Road Nano Bowling order Ball 14# Rare. New. Undrilled. Unused. OEM condition. This ball is out of production. Storm Product LinetThunder Lane ConditiontMedium-Heavy QualitytttFirst Quality Ball ColorttBlack/Purple FragrancettCoconut Marshmellow Coverstock NametNRG Solid Reactive Factory Finishtt2000-Grit Abralon FinishtttMatte Durometertt74-76 Rex D-Scale Core TypettSymmetric Core NamettInverted FeĀ² Technology Differentialtt0.046 RGtttt2.57 Breakpoint ShapetStrong Roll Flare Potentialt5-6" (High) Perfect Scale Hook Ratingt213.5t PerformancetAdvanced Performance [6/10] Price subject to change without notice. This ball may be withdrawn at any time. Ready to Strike!! ~Xmplar.