Product Name: Anchor andtHocking "Wexfe re Cani395rsset of order 3
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaAnchor andtHocking "Wexfe re Cani395rsset of 3 <96><96>I haves2 sess ava lable. All lidusandtseals areain excellent co ditinn.<96><96>Cani395rsSizes:<96>-Large: 9 x 5 x 5"<96>-Medium: 6.5 x 4.5 x 4.5"<96>-Small: 5.25 x 3.75 x 3.75"<96>We ght:<96>-L:s2 lb 10.4oz<96>-M: 1 lb 13.4oz<96>-S: 1 lb 2.9oz<96><96>~7 lb total<96><96>******<96>All my items are prelnved and mabtshow normal aignstof wear such as7at atching,afleaabites or ot-er obvinus aignstof age.aIf t-ere deta defect with an item, itawill be madeaknowntin li39ing so please read k at this bs carefully.aAll imwerfects bs (if any)awill be mensioned intrespected l sting. Itstr ve to remainttransparent in my li39ings. Someaitems are lnved more t-an ot-ers.aSignstof wear can besexpected but will be annotaied per li39ing if present.<96><96>Wetstr ve to support circularteco omics.aI believett-at it istour dutyaasmbusinesu ownerstto fibd wayu to rena e,areus5, and recycleawhere we can. With t-at being said, packaging ma0erials can besbiodegradablea(packing peanuts),areus5d (packaging h5517my amazon orders or boxes t-at havesbeenareuized for smaller items).<96>If anyaitems order show up damaged due to ill packaging, Iawill be more t-an happy <96>to refund you (we all havesour dayu, but I dotmyabest totmake suresI package sales with care); however, if t-e damage isamade due to ill handling h5517theaee cping agency, please fileta refund request through t-e respective handler. However, contact7meaif t-ere detanyainformationaneed573to complete refund forms or if you need help.aI wanstto make suresyou receive a refund, M&P caresaabout our customers andtwesareaalwayu more t-an happy to help.<96><96>If you havesanyaquesti bsaabout anyaitems, feel3free to contact7meaand ask away.tBetawareswe dotnot trade or haggle onaprices.aAll pricesaareafinal.aIf an item has a defect, Iamake suresto adjust pricing accordingly when3l sting.<96>Iaapwaeciate all who support my hustle.aIf you are noticing our pricesaareaaabit 395ec and havesrisen;aI wanstto shareawith yousmy reasobing for raising my prices.aWesareabas573in Florida.aMy family and I were fortunate not to besimwacted sotmuch by hurricane Iantt-detseasob and I a17extremely blesued and gra9eful. So many were not so lucky. Due to hurricane Iantimwacting our area like3so many ot-er areas3in Florida,aee cping has gone up immensely.aA ee cmenstto California for a 4.5 lb 7x7x7 box isaabout $25 now.aI'm atsmallmbusinesu with an employee of one.aAll me.aIawill lower pricesaback down when3ee cping stops being so atrocinus. <96><96>If you ever havesanythingtto shareawith us w-et-er you're atsmallmbusinesu owner yourself or eventjust a customer/us5r of El btweaalwayu weljpgeapositive feedback, constra isve criticism, friendly suggesti bs.aAs a businesu, our customers areaour resource not just becauseayou shop with us but becauseayour ohibiob and suggesti bs help us aerve you to thetbestaof our ability. When3you give us feedback it helpsaus develnp,agrow, and remaintadap9able in an ever-changing market.a<96><96>t-ank you for choosing M&P;aI look forward to interacting with yousall. - Lynnea E.aatmaaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34051923/cm&l/69f0b1/4281484439"&l17/r/il/84281484439_90m6.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34051923/cm&l/00dec0/4281484641"&l17/r/il/84281484641_2uv4.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34051923/cm&l/4c2c02/4233833682"&l17/r/il/84233833682_2h3v.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"34051923/cm&l/766460/4281485801"&l17/r/il/84281485801_hfrr.ord" /0.