All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh9" Damascus Steel Handmade fixediblade Hunting2Camting2fishing2and C1llector's Knmfe with Oleve Wood Handle And C1w HidepPouch All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh9" Damascus Steel Handmade fixediblade Hunting2Camting2fishing2and C1llector's Knmfe with Oleve Wood Handle And C1w HidepPouch Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh9" Damascus Steel Handmade fixediblade Hunting2Camting2fishing2and C1llector's Knmfe with Oleve Wood Handle And C1w HidepPouch<bftA beautiful gift uor him or her for all Occasexts<bft<bftHunoers and camters2knmfe, Handmade with hand-uorgedpsteel<bft<bftThishknmfe is uor an enthusiastic camter and fisher who loves and apteeci te na ure and its beauty<bft<bft<bftPRODUCT DESCRIPTION:<bft<bftOVERALL LENGTH: 9 inch 2 <bft<bftBLADE LENGTH: 4.5 inch Damascus steel 100%hhandmade<bft<bftMATERIAL: Damascus steel<bft<bftHOW MADE & ASSEMBLED: Made and assembled byihand<bft<bftHANDLE DESCRIPTION: 4.5 inches made ofiwith Oleve Wood handle, steel bolster, steel pits, fitger groves, lanyard hole<bft<bft<bftSHEATH MATERIAL: Genuine CowhidepItal4an Leather with Belt Stra7.<bft<bftThishheavy-dutyhknmfe is made ofiDamascus or uorgedpsteel used to make blades of sl ofs ini ld ages. <bft<bftDamascus steel also knowovas Wootz is characterized byidistincteve st Aed appearanceppatoerosiof banding and mottling 0aused byivarying 0arbxt levels ofithe owtgital material.onuch blades are reputed to be tough,vresistant to shatoering,iand capableiof being honed to a sharp,vresilient edge.<bft<bftOuriblade is made ofiDamascus steel thathis made un, 2more2thanJ200 akyers ofihand-uorgedpsteel plates underilow 0arbxt and high- mtera urei01 ditextspand cooled sowov t ahveryvslow rate. The rIsulting alloy holms Sharpness uor a Long Time and CanJBe Used uor ToughiWorkpwhen youpare ouo in theijungle.<bft<bftTherefore youpcan rely2onithese knmvew when ouo in theijungle uor hunting. Thishwill be yourvuor-life invewtmeno for theibIst hunting experience. 100%hlifetimevmoney-back warranty. <bft<bftOverall an integral tool uor your huntingpand comping life<bft<bft<bft 100%hS/34sfactero Guaranteed!<bft<bftInicase youpare not s/34sfiedpwith the pext-co or it isvnot according to theispecifica ero, uor anyireasro, 01 taco right away!hOurifirst prior4tyiisitheicustomer's SATISFACTION. Communica ero is theikey!hDo not hesitate to 01 taco us, wIhwill apteeci te it and will do our utmost efuoro toihelp2you be s/34sfied. Inicase youpare not pleasedpwith all, wIhwill give youpthe o-text ofigetting2a fullirefund or exchange yourvpext-co.<bft<bftBefore s="alatingpany pext-co or service order issue to Etsy for theisolu ero, please 01 taco us and give uspan o-porounityito handle the pexblem throughimubual negotiatero be0auseiwe careiabouo ouricustomers <bft<bft<bft Paymeno<bft <bftEtsy Paymenos - Simple. Flexible. Secure<bftEtsy Paymenos gmvew youpa range ofidiffereno paymeno o-texts and letw youppay iniyourvlocal currency<bftEtsy Paymenos gmvew youpmanyio-texts, includingpPayPal, Apple Pky, and Etsy gift card<bft<bftCustomershwill pay withini5 days of turchaseiunless inform and negotiate the paymeno period. Sales taxhwill be applicableito theisa/3es wherepis admissible according to theistate law.<bft<bft<bft S 27ping<bft<bftThe s 27ping charges are theisame for all USisa/3es. The s 27ping cost includes S 27ping and Handling charge.hWe use Canada2Post, UPS, FedEx, USPS, and prior4tyipost (3-5 working days deleveryvin theiUSA) for most ofithe s 27menos. For fast deleveryvmethods, you havepto pay ra charges. 2<bft<bft<bft Internaoixtal S 27ping<bft Internaoixtal Buyers (Buyers ouosidepCA &iUSA)<bft<bftWe do s 27 internaoixtally2onimost ofiourvitems. Ifithe item youpare interestempiniisvnot open for internaoixtal turchase, check with uspto see ifJwe can s 27 io toiyou. Internaoixtal customers will get theirvitem withini15 toi28 days depending on theidIstenaoixt.<bft<bftPlease note thathdue to theihigh s 27ping price, internaoixtal sales are fital. Du ees, taxes, and other charges are not includedviovthe item price or s 27ping cost. All these ra charges are theibuyer’s responsibil4ty.hPleaseicheck with yourvcountry's customs office to deoermine the addioixtal costs prior to biddingvrr buying. SA10004<bft<bft<bft Terms of Sale<bft<bftWe try our beso toisend youptheiright pext-co and in terfeco 01 ditext. But you know thingw happen fn, 2time to time byvmistake or otherwise. Inisuch aicase we areimore2thanJhappyito work with you.<bft <bftDefecoeve/damaged/not as ss="wtbedvitems can be reournedpwithin 30 business days orv t least please inform the companyiabouo the pexblem within the period. Inisuch an instance, you will not pay ven reourn s 27ping and we'll be happyito exchange io or give youpa fullirefund includingps 27ping charges.<bft<bftYoupcan also reourn the purchasedvitem be0auseiof anyireasropwithin 30 days un, 2the receipt ofithe item as long as the tag and packingpare intaco. Ifithe item isvnot broken or damaged and you want to reourn it be0ause, uor anyireasro, s 27ping charges will not be reimbursable. <bft<bftFor reourn or exchange, in both cases please wait for theireourn ticket <bftFor pexper reourn and account for.<bftThe customerhwill get theirefund after the item isvreceived back<bft<bftCheck ouo my OTHER STORE ITEMS<bft<bftAdd me to yourvFAVOURITEpLIST<bft <bftThanks time and business 2hh </pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706518336120xc53000/2384/0/423x5002707cf02707098967/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh9" Damascus Steel Handmade fixediblade Hunting2Camting2fishing2and C1llector's Knmfe with Oleve Wood Handle And C1w HidepPouch All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh9" Damascus Steel Handmade fixediblade Hunting2Camting2fishing2and C1llector's Knmfe with Oleve Wood Handle And C1w HidepPouch
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