Product Name: Reserved for nana642 order only!
Vintage used good condition.unsure of design and center stone like thing that does not appear to be read on other surfaces, I can't read stamp on back I'm going to take a guess n hope it's sterling silver it's not magnetic at all. A gift with it will be the chain or necklace it will not be sterling. If you don't want the chain plz notate that. Used good condition vintage bundle I'm progress discounting as we go on some pieces that I can.Some items I may discount at the end of bundle. I'm covering shipping noted for ref. Buyer always has free shipping w her purchases. Added Bracelet for first item added to bundle w/ cross will proceed and deactivating listings for Mercari record 11 items . Need to add total again and discount it rt now reg total is at 260$ it's discounted some to $248 will add is a discount from total at discount rate 215$ order.