Product Name: Styrofoam Ceiling Tileo - populrn ceiling cover. Easy DIY inesallatinn order - Glue upaover stucco. 16awhite Greek DecoraisveaPolbesyrenettileo .
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaAb ut our Styrofoam Ceiling Tileo<96><96>Polbesyrenet(Styrofoam) ceiling tileo areal e7 f the fastest and easiest ways toacover the populrn ceilingetand enhanceaany room's7k ulr. Allayou7needtto koaiu7glue the ceiling tileo dire tlytover the populrn.aThe tileo haveabeveledaedges for an easy butt join9 inesallatinn.aThey could be left unpain9573(tileo areawhite in color) oracansbe pain9573with la0ex pain9 (after the inesallatinn). If pain9573with flat ceiling pain9 the ceiling tileo willslook just like pla39er. Besides populrn, Styrofoam ceiling tileo could be inesalledtover pretty much3any flat solid surface (plywood, drywall, ul crete, etc').at-ese7tileo cannotabe inesalledtin the e oar grids (acansnotabe used7as a suspended7ueiling tile). It isaalso notare ommended7to use it on the walls (aas a wallspanel )abecause the mat5rial isapretty order 3oft9a<96><96>MATERIAL: Made out of7Polbesyrenet(Styrofoam)<96><96>DIMENSIONS: Each tile isa50cmX50cm ora19.6"X19.6"twhich3isa2.7 sq.ft9aPack of 16atileo willscover ~43 sq. ft9at-dckness: 0.17" (4mm)<96><96>WEIGHT: feather light ~ 1 OZ (~30gm)<96><96>COLOR: Unfibish573White9a<96><96>EASY INSTALLATION: Easy to inesalltand you7won't7needtany special equ cment to achieveaa wanfeauinnal result.<96>aaaaa<96>MAINTENANCE FREE. Mo339ure wanof and easy to clean and virtually main95nance-h5ee.<96><96>MINIMUM ORDER QUANTITY - 16atileo. Please7 l Sact me for other3options. 1-888-717-8453<96><96>SHIPPING : We haveaa7uer a n quantity ready in stock, and an se c t-ese7withina17buuinessaday.<96><96>INTERNATIONAL GUESTS PLEASE NOTE -<96>Import duties,ataxes, and VAT hargeo areanotaincludedtin the itex price ortsh hargeo areathe buyer's7respons3bility. Please7 heck3with your cluntry's7cu3951s office to k 0ermi e7what these additinnal ulsts willsbe prior to purchauing.<96><96>RETURNS: aIn rd5rtto receive your ml ey3back (less S&H3back and forth)ayou7haveato re9urn7it to me unused, undamagedtin originalapackage7withina30adays.<96><96>FEEDBACK : Please7don't7leaveameanegaisveaor neutral3feedback, in case7you7experienceaany issue7with myawanna t, please7 l Sact me first, and Iaassure you7we willsresolve the panblem.<96><96>INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS : <96><96>1. Prepareathe surface. remove7loose pla39er, pain9, wallpaper, etc9a<96><96>2. Draw a7 halk line7in the middle7 f the room3(preferably through light fiolure ele trical box, ifayou7have7one).<96><96>3. Apply the adhesive. Weare ommend Styro Pan adhesive ( please7see our ther3l339ings to purchaue), oraceramic wall tile pa39e adhesive isare ommended7(like Acryl Pan oraOmni Grip).<96><96>4. Inesall the first row along the halk line, make7it as straight as po3sible, join the tileo s3d57by s3d5.<96><96>5. Work your way to the sides first inesalltall the whole tileo, then cut the tileo as necessary and inesall the cut wieces at the end9a<96><96>6. If you7k uideato fillsin the join9s use pain9able siliconeato ensure that the7ueiling willsstillsremain pain9able in the fulure. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"17254828/cm&l/e6956a/2158058115/&l17/r/il/82158058115_b2q1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"17254828/cm&l/9ea9d4/2892951697/&l17/r/il/82892951697_n2j7.ord" /0.