Handpainted silk scarf in maroon and dark orange pattern on bright yellow. Painted silk scarf, yellow order and dark red. Scarf painted yellow.
Hand painted silk scarf in crepe de Chine 14 momme It is.
Hand painted silk scarf in crepe de Chine 14 momme. It is just the right size to wear with a jacket or sweater (11x55" or 28x140 order cm), and is painted in a bold pattern in maroon red and burnt orange on lemon yellow.
There are several sizes of hand painted silk scarves in the collection of SCARVES OF PAINTED SILK, as well as scarves in a few different weaves and/or weights (mommes) of silk, and even some painted on a blend of silk and wool. Each scarf is unique and each is free-hand painted - and signed - by me.
This link will bring you to the main pages of Scarves of Painted Silk where you can see the entire collection:
This link will bring you to the "Medium Silk Scarves" section, where you will find scarves of the same general size as this scarf (but there will probably be other 'medium' scarves in the Silk / Wool section):
This link takes you to the "About" page, where you will find detailed CARE INSTRUCTIONS, SHIPPING POLICY, and references to the sizes, the weights (those 'mommes'!), and the weaves: