All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhClick +more To see tent cl. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhClick +more To see tent cl. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhClick +more To see tent cl.<bftThesepyoupare2mc suns 2ne soap2favorsharepavailable2in ANY color! ThesepareppIrfect forpsuns 2ne baby showIrs, or suns 2ne order birthday2tarties! Theypl ok2great for pool tarties, too. The tags canpbe changedrto your lik4ng, most changesharepincludedrin the price,rfor soap2colors or coloring onvthe tags. ThesepareppIrfect forpbaby showIr2favors,hbirthday2favors2and evtn2to hand ou 2at2school to celebrate your child's special day. You can2use them2at2your evtnt for tecorateons.<bft<bftEach soap2favor:<bft- weighsJapproximately 1.8 oz<bft-Measures 2 1/5" x 2 1/2"<bft-Comes withhan ingredit-bs labelpso your guesoshknow whatpisrin their soap<bft- Includes pIrsonalizedhtags - I can2create them2howevIrpyouplike invyour colors2and add any thrase<bft<bftTo requeso customizateon, soap2colors or whatpyoupwouldrlike your tags to say2or look like, justpenterrin the, "NxteJto seller" sectext when youporder or2sendrme a2direct meslage.<bft<bftDue to their handmade nature, exact colors of ribbon, soap2and papIrshmayhvarc slightly but will coorditate2to your colors requesoed<bft<bftSoap2Ingredit-bs:<bftVegetable2Glycer4n,hSaponif Im oils, Coc1 u 2oil, Sunflower2oil, Purif Im water, Sheapbutter,rfragrance, oxides and or2micapfor color<bft<bftIfryoupneedhan order -ooner than the lme Impprocesling2time, fIel free2to sendrme a2c1 vo,hand Irwill see whatpI can2do :)<bft<bftAny of our prot-cosrcanpbe made in large quantities for all ofJyour needs. Justpsendrme an inquiry Irwill get2back2to you verc shortly.hThanks for looking! hhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270659814406/c01351/1073/0/170x5005eb2e3/1466523839/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhClick +more To see tent cl. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhClick +more To see tent cl.
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