Product Name: 10 Tupperware order New sealed keychains Thatsa Bottle pepper bowl tinietreasures
Priced right, right away. Firm! Because it's easier:) You'll be receiving this set of 10 new Tupperware keychains. Yours order will arrive in their sealed bags. Included: 1-mini micro grill keychain, 1-mini water bottle keychain in pink, 1-mini pepper keeper keychain in red, 1-mini cupcake keeper keychain in blue, 1-batter bowl keychain, 1-mini impressions bowl keychain in blue, 1-mini heat n serve keychain, 1-mini thatsa bowl keychain in blue, 1-mini mix n por keychain, and 1-freezermate keychain in sheer w/snowflakes on the sides and apricot lid. Yours will arrive New in sealed bags. I use my own for pictures so you can see details and colors better. Keep in mind-I'm not a Tupperware consultant and there are selling fees; so, I offer you my items at the lowest price I can. I also bundle! I can combine any of my listings into one to save you money on shipping. Add me to your favorites so you can get first chance at my listings. Thanks for looking:) I'm the ONLY tinietreasures (my Listings a.