Fabazine Buttons | Craft Magazine | Make It Yourself | Printed Fabric Panel order | Machine Sewing Pack | Needlepoint | DIY Kit
Fabazine Buttons is a complete kit with 8 projects in one handy pack
Fabazine Buttons is a complete kit with 8 projects in one handy pack.
You will get everything you need to complete each project start to finish. All you need to do order is cut, sew and you're ready to go!
Projects included:
Bee Buttoonie, Button Necklace, Perpetual Calendar, Tote Bag, Crossword Picture Frame, MDF Clock, Yorkshire Button Templates and a Hummingbird Button Art Panel.
Materials included:
Printed Fabric Panel, Cord, Buttons, Foam, Waxed Cord, Bias Binding, Plastic Button Tool, Felt, MDF Frame, MDF Buttons, MDF Clock Face, Clock Mechanism and an Instruction Booklet.
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