All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25 Wedding Monogram gifthBags2uor2guesos with Goldrsaomn ribbon - Elegant Personalizedpbags2uor2your Wedding Welcome Gifts andpFavors - GoldrWeddings Gifts andpFavors. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25 Wedding Monogram gifthBags2uor2guesos with Goldrsaomn ribbon - Elegant Personalizedpbags2uor2your Wedding Welcome Gifts andpFavors - GoldrWeddings Gifts andpFavors. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25 Wedding Monogram gifthBags2uor2guesos with Goldrsaomn ribbon - Elegant Personalizedpbags2uor2your Wedding Welcome Gifts andpFavors - GoldrWeddings Gifts andpFavors.<bft<bftDETAILS:<bft- seo of 25hwhite or ivory papIr bags;<bft- any color2of ribbon ishpossible;<bft- bag size: 9 x 9.9 x 3.9 inches (23x25x10 cm);<bft- materials:pspecial papIr, cardboard, ribbon, glue.<bft<bft<bftTO ORDER:<bft1 oSelect a quantity ofhbags2un, 2the drop downhlist.<bft2 oSelect a Ribbon & Print Color2un, 2the drop downhlist.<bft3 oSelect a Color2of Bag2un, 2the drop downhlist.<bft4.hInptheJNotehto seller2box during checkout pleasepnotehthe2uollowing:<bft- your names;<bft- your 3 letters forpMonogram;<bft- datehofhwedding;<bft- wedding2locaoext (ifJyoupneed);<bft- other2dett cs.<bft<bft<bftWedding Welcome bags2in large2sizes: www/6aac27065shop/WelcomeBagsShop?ref=undIfined&sec order ion_id=21874026<bft<bftWelcome bags2in medium sizes:<bft<bftWelcome bags2in small sizes: <bft<bft<bftTIME &2SHIPPING:<bftProcess time 3-10 bus4nesl day . A standard delivtry un, 2Ukraine 8-14 day , sometimes 21-31 day . FedEx2expweslJs 27ping22-5 day .<bft<bftFor allJs 27ping2opomxts, as soxt aspyour order ilJs 27ped, you'll2receivt apc1 firmatext emt c through2Eaac withhyour tracking numbIr.<bft<bftAs pIr2Eaac's2recommendaomxts, we s 27 ONLY to the addreslhprovided2upon checkout at2Eaac.2Please,pmake2sure it's correct!<bft<bft!!! Pleasepkeep inpmind, VAT &2duty maypapply2depIndingJrovyour countriel localpCustoms or Tax Authority. My2shop is2not responsible uor2any VAT &2duty costs that migho be c arged. OrderlJs 27ped outsiderUkraine maypbe2subject topimport taxes, customs dutiel andpfeel levied2by2the ss=tinaomxt country. The recipitn of anpi wtrnaomxtal s 27ment maypbe2subject topsuchhimport taxes, customs dutiel andpfeel,hwhich arerlevied2once a s 27ment reaches the recipitn 's country. Additeonal c arges forpcustoms clearance mustpbe fulfilled2by2the recipitn ;2my shop andpIphave no c1 wrolprver theseJc arges,pnor can I predictrwhat theyrmaypbe. <bft<bftPleasepmessageJme withhany quesoextsporpspecial que-ts!<bft<bftThank youpso muchhforpvisiting2my shop!hhhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706515472238/0x500539ab2/1231473406/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25 Wedding Monogram gifthBags2uor2guesos with Goldrsaomn ribbon - Elegant Personalizedpbags2uor2your Wedding Welcome Gifts andpFavors - GoldrWeddings Gifts andpFavors. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25 Wedding Monogram gifthBags2uor2guesos with Goldrsaomn ribbon - Elegant Personalizedpbags2uor2your Wedding Welcome Gifts andpFavors - GoldrWeddings Gifts andpFavors.
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm