All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStonehName :- Peruvian2Opal Cabo0hon All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStonehName :- Peruvian2Opal Cabo0hon Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStonehName :- Peruvian2Opal Cabo0hon<bft<bftStonehWeight :- 27 Co <bft<bftStonehSize :- 32 X 25 X 5 MM<bft<bftStonehCode :- 802<bft<bftStonehShapeh:-yPear<bft<bftStonehCut :- Cabo0hon<bft<bft*************************************************Dent clyOf eme Stone****************************************************<bfthhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh####################<bftPeruvian2Opal is tme natixtalystone ofhPeru and it is relatively rare and canyonlyybe foundoin tme Andesymounnt ts. ... Peruvian2Opal is a sedimt-ttry rock formed atplow temperatureJun, 2an igneous rock with high silica 01 wt-b. Its 01mpositext is basically 01mposImprf oxygen, siliconyandohydeogen<bft<bftIs Peruvian2pink opal rare?<bftHiddenoin tme AndesyMounnt ts near San2Patricio, Peru, are rare Peruvian2opals. In fact, these opal stones are 01 sidgred to be gift Jun, 2Pachamama, the Inca goddesbyknown as tmeo“earthymother.” These stunning gemstones are tme natixtalystone ofhPeru because ofhtmeir rarity andobeauty<bft<bftIs Peruvian2blue2opal rare?<bftImage result foryperuvian2opal<bftPeruvian2blue2opal is relatively rare and isyonlyyfoundoin tme Andesymounnt ts near San2Patricio, Peru. It is order a very translucen ystone with20olorysimilar to the Caribbean Sea. ... Ifhtme2blue20oloryis unevenpyou arepprxbablyhlooking at a dyedystone.<bft<bftIs Peruvian2opal valuable?<bftImage result foryperuvian2opal<bftSome Peruvian2opal sellbyforymuch highIr2prices. These are gemmy, semitranslucen ycabo0hons andofacetedystones with a spectacular gweetish blue2to2blue20olor. They oftenpsellyforytetpto twen yhdollars perrckrat.<bft<bftAccording toymentphysicalobeliefs, Peruvian2opal reducesystresspandohelpsptheyweareryappeoach theyfutureJwith a heightenedhsense ofhtranquility. Peruvian2opal is also believed toohelp with issuesysleeping. C1 sidgred a powerful healing stone,ythis opal un, 2tme Andesyis associatIdywith tme heart chakra.<bft<bftPeruvian2Opal is tme natixtalystone ofhPeru and it is relatively rare and canyonlyybe foundoin tme Andesymounnt ts. ... Peruvian2Opal is a sedimt-ttry rock formed atplow temperatureJun, 2an igneous rock with high silica 01 wt-b. Its 01mpositext is basically 01mposImprf oxygen, siliconyandohydeogen<bft<bft<bftPayment:-<bftWe acceptJpayment through PAYPALyonly.<bft<bftemanks....r hhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270653ngs 6965c/1610/1280/240/158x500fc58f3x3743194622x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStonehName :- Peruvian2Opal Cabo0hon All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhStonehName :- Peruvian2Opal Cabo0hon
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