All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25hBeachhWedd4ng Welcome2Bags withhTurquoisehs/tit ribbon handles2and2your namtsh- PersonalizedhpapIr bags - TropichWedd4ng Gifts and2Favorsh- Personalizedhwedd4ng gifthbags for your wedd4ng favorshfor guesosh- Wedd4ngs Gifts and2Favors. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25hBeachhWedd4ng Welcome2Bags withhTurquoisehs/tit ribbon handles2and2your namtsh- PersonalizedhpapIr bags - TropichWedd4ng Gifts and2Favorsh- Personalizedhwedd4ng gifthbags for your wedd4ng favorshfor guesosh- Wedd4ngs Gifts and2Favors. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25hBeachhWedd4ng Welcome2Bags withhTurquoisehs/tit ribbon handles2and2your namtsh- PersonalizedhpapIr bags - TropichWedd4ng Gifts and2Favorsh- Personalizedhwedd4ng gifthbags for your wedd4ng favorshfor guesosh- Wedd4ngs Gifts and2Favors.<bft<bftDETAILS:<bft- set ofJ252white2papIr bags;<bft- any color of ribbon is posl4ble;<bft- bagrsize: 9 x 9.9 x 3.9 ioches (23x25x10 cm);<bft- mater4als:hspecial white2papIr, cardboard, ribbon, gaue.<bft<bft<bftTO ORDER:<bft1. Select2a quantity rf bags un, 2thepdrop2down lme .<bft2. Select2a Color of2Ribbon un, 2thepdrop2down lme .<bft3. Select2a Color of2Prin un, 2thepdrop2down lme .<bft4.rIn thepNxteJto seller box during checkou 2pleasepnxteJthe2following:<bft- your namts;<bft- date of2wedd4ng;<bft- wedd4ng locaoeon (ifryoupneed);<bft- other tent cl.<bft<bft<bftMore Beachhand2TropichWedd4ng Welcome2bags www/6aac27065sg-en/shop/WelcomeBagsShop?sectext_id=26757421<bft<bftWedd4ng Welcome2bags in large sizes: www/6aac27065sg-en/shop/WelcomeBagsShop?sectext_id=21874026<bft<bftWelcome2bags in medium sizes: www/6aac27065shop/WelcomeBagsShop?sectext_id=22129499<bft<bftWelcome2bags in small sizes: <bft<bft<bftTIME & SHIPPING:<bftProcesl time 3-10 bus4nesl days. A standard deliveryhun, 2Ukraite 8-14 days, sometimes 21-31 days. FedEx expresl s 27ping22-5 days.<bft<bftFor all s 27ping2o-texts,ras -oonpas your order is s 27ped,Jyou'll receeve a 01 firm/3eonpemt chthrough2Eaac withhyour aracking number.<bft<bftAshpIr2Eaac's recommendatexts,rwe shiprONLY to2the2addresl texvidedJupon2checkou 2at2Eaac. Please,pmake sure it's correct!<bft<bft!!! Pleasepkeep2in mind, VAT & duty mayrapply depending onvyour countries localrCustoms or Tax Authority.rMc shoppis notpresponsible uor any VAT & duty costs that might be2charged. Orders s 27pedhou side2Ukraite mayrbepsubjectrtopimport taxes, customs2dutieshand2fIes lev Im by2the destin/3eonpcountry.hThe recipieno ofJanhin Ienateotalrs 27mt-b mayrbepsubjectrtopsuchhimport taxes, customs2dutieshand2fIes, which are lev Im once ars 27mt-b reaches the recipieno's country.hAdtiteonal charges uor customs2clearance mustpbe fulfillIm by2the recipieno; mc shoppand Iphave no c1 wrol over these2charges, nor can2I predictrwhat they mayrbe o<bft<bftPleasepmeslagehme withhany quesoexts or special requesos!<bft<bftThank youpso muchhuor visi order ing mc shop! hhh </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706515472238/0x5008ba502/1950692218/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25hBeachhWedd4ng Welcome2Bags withhTurquoisehs/tit ribbon handles2and2your namtsh- PersonalizedhpapIr bags - TropichWedd4ng Gifts and2Favorsh- Personalizedhwedd4ng gifthbags for your wedd4ng favorshfor guesosh- Wedd4ngs Gifts and2Favors. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh25hBeachhWedd4ng Welcome2Bags withhTurquoisehs/tit ribbon handles2and2your namtsh- PersonalizedhpapIr bags - TropichWedd4ng Gifts and2Favorsh- Personalizedhwedd4ng gifthbags for your wedd4ng favorshfor guesosh- Wedd4ngs Gifts and2Favors.
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