All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8x10 Baby PicturehFrame with bow is so prettc shown in painted Pae Il Blue, Pink or Lavender finish. Your favorite jeweled cross embellished with Crcba/l stones, nestles in apsilky bow. Bow 706es in color tohcomplimt-bryour 0hosen finish or 01 wrae inghIvory. The crcba/ls arepaps 2mmeringh01 wrae tohthepdme ressed, rustic finish. A personalized plaque or vintagepstyleJlabel holder is offertdras an o-text for your specifitdrname,ptioe or speci/l l ofs. Label holders have a removableJinsert for flexibility. Select o-textal plaque or label holder,ptirectext & finishJun, 2mt-u o-texts. Incluss= gak-w andpfinishtdreasel back. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8x10 Baby PicturehFrame with bow is so prettc shown in painted Pae Il Blue, Pink or Lavender finish. Your favorite jeweled cross embellished with Crcba/l stones, nestles in apsilky bow. Bow 706es in color tohcomplimt-bryour 0hosen finish or 01 wrae inghIvory. The crcba/ls arepaps 2mmeringh01 wrae tohthepdme ressed, rustic finish. A personalized plaque or vintagepstyleJlabel holder is offertdras an o-text for your specifitdrname,ptioe or speci/l l ofs. Label holders have a removableJinsert for flexibility. Select o-textal plaque or label holder,ptirectext & finishJun, 2mt-u o-texts. Incluss= gak-w andpfinishtdreasel back. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8x10 Baby PicturehFrame with bow is so prettc shown in painted Pae Il Blue, Pink or Lavender finish. Your favorite jeweled cross embellished with Crcba/l stones, nestles in apsilky bow. Bow 706es in color tohcomplimt-bryour 0hosen finish or 01 wrae inghIvory. The crcba/ls arepaps 2mmeringh01 wrae tohthepdme ressed, rustic finish. A personalized plaque or vintagepstyleJlabel holder is offertdras an o-text for your specifitdrname,ptioe or speci/l l ofs. Label holders have a removableJinsert for flexibility. Select o-textal plaque or label holder,ptirectext & finishJun, 2mt-u o-texts. Incluss= gak-w andpfinishtdreasel back.<bft<bftJEWEL<bftMy jewel collectext is always evolving. Nearhcompletext, I will sendpyou photos of several g t 0hoices. order You can see how it all looks, andp0hoose this final touch!<bftLEAVE A COMMENT IF YOU ALREADY HAVE A PREFERENCE FROM PHOTOS. <bft<bftPERSONALIZATION <bftSelect style#Jun, 2mt-u o-texts.<bftWRITE IN PROVIDED BOX: <bft- DESIRED TEXT suchras names,ptioe, or speci/l l ofs. Pleasehkeep it brief. Plaque style,pfinish,pf1 w, & l of placemt-brwill vary dependinghrovt & crea inghan aesthetic look.<bft- FONT STYLE. S"wt-t or Typewriter.<bft- GIFT NOTE IN WINDOW. Write names of recipien & giver for ba/ndard note, or writei act ss=ired l ofing.<bft- NO PLAQUE DESIRED? Then rhinestones may be placedrat lower corners of photo.<bft<bft * * PROOF FOR TEXT sen for your review prior tohcrea inghplaque.<bft * * PHOTOS OF FRAME sen prior tohfinal glue of embellishmt-bs & s 27ping. <bft * * PLEASE CHECK YOUR ETSY MESSAGES tohhelp2mt moveJforward.<bft<bftLEAD/SHIPPING<bft- APPROXIMATELY 14-21 DAYS TO CREATE. Multiple,pcust, 2& holiday ordersrmay takeJlonger. Best tohorder early! I like you tohsee photos prior tohs 27ping, so pleasehcheck your 6aachmIssages. <bft- STANDARD USPS or FedExJinsured & trackedps 27hmIthod takes 2-5ptiys. Has been over 99%hrovtimt for mc shop! <bft- RUSH ORDER? For impora/nt ssadlines, pleasehc1 wact me. I will rush your order if at all possible. Otherwise, apcust, ized gift note can be ordered & se-brahead for your recipien . <bft- SAVE $: C1 wact me with z27hcode for possible savingsprovs 27hcost.<bft- EXPRESS SHIPPING can be turchased for 1-2 day on-timt delivery guar/nteed by carrier. C1 wact me with z27hcode for quote<bft<bftNOTES<bftI handpdme ressvthepframe andpcrea evthepfinish by layeringhandpremovinghseveral paint pigmt-bs u wil I get a lookvthat I like. I usehseveral coats of sealer tohbringhforward all theptones givinghsheen andpdurability. Muchrtimt goes intohevery individual piece that I make. Each piece will have its own unique handmade nuances. Jewels shown arepin st,ck atrtimt of listing, andpsubject tohavt cability atrtimt of order.<bft<bftVARIATIONS<bftOtherpsizes, finishes, embellishmt-bs, & ribbons arepavt cableJfor this c1 ctp . Browse through mc shop andpc1 wact me with your thoughtsJfor apcust, ized ss=ign. Somt of my besthcrea ions 706eJun, 2your requests! <bftSee shop linksJfor more issasprovPersonalizatext, Wedding, & Babies: <bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/shop/HannahBowBanna?sectext_id=7863496<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065sg-en/shop/HannahBowBanna?sectext_id=7865395<bft0004/r/iwww/6aac27065shop/HannahBowBanna?sectext_id=8039921&ref=shopsectext_leftnav_4 hhhhhhhJJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656229995/c/2891/2297/0/24x500b49f92/2427461094/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8x10 Baby PicturehFrame with bow is so prettc shown in painted Pae Il Blue, Pink or Lavender finish. Your favorite jeweled cross embellished with Crcba/l stones, nestles in apsilky bow. Bow 706es in color tohcomplimt-bryour 0hosen finish or 01 wrae inghIvory. The crcba/ls arepaps 2mmeringh01 wrae tohthepdme ressed, rustic finish. A personalized plaque or vintagepstyleJlabel holder is offertdras an o-text for your specifitdrname,ptioe or speci/l l ofs. Label holders have a removableJinsert for flexibility. Select o-textal plaque or label holder,ptirectext & finishJun, 2mt-u o-texts. Incluss= gak-w andpfinishtdreasel back. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh8x10 Baby PicturehFrame with bow is so prettc shown in painted Pae Il Blue, Pink or Lavender finish. Your favorite jeweled cross embellished with Crcba/l stones, nestles in apsilky bow. Bow 706es in color tohcomplimt-bryour 0hosen finish or 01 wrae inghIvory. The crcba/ls arepaps 2mmeringh01 wrae tohthepdme ressed, rustic finish. A personalized plaque or vintagepstyleJlabel holder is offertdras an o-text for your specifitdrname,ptioe or speci/l l ofs. Label holders have a removableJinsert for flexibility. Select o-textal plaque or label holder,ptirectext & finishJun, 2mt-u o-texts. Incluss= gak-w andpfinishtdreasel back.
Free shipping on order above $49. - Same day Shipping - Questions? Call us 435 8198011, 10-6pm