Product Name: Handmade Solid3Live Edge order Hickory3Charcuterie3Board
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro order ChristmaaaaaaaaaaForawhe 7you absolu0ely positively san9 to7make aaesa0ement!at-is7board3is cfaf9573h5517a solid3pieceaof gorgeous live edge hickory. Image on3t-e surfacesis3laser engraved to7Clat7a lifetime.<96><96>Board3measures 11” x 10” x 7/8”3t-ick<96><96>All3of our wood itexe are sealed and finished3withaOdie's Oil.aOdie's is aafood safe, solvantafree, nobeaoxic wood finish and stabiliz5r thtt3isanot7only good for the wood but bringusout t-e beauty i 7the grain.<96><96>to caresfor your board, clean immedia0ely af95r3each3use by siping gentlyawith watersand a mild soap (if necessary). Doanot7put i 7the dishwasher, and avoid letSing3it7ait i 7waterstooalong. Youtshould wantecttthe itex3h5517harsh elements like3mo339ure and sun. We aretnot7reap bsible for damage thtt3occurs to itexe due toaenvironmental conditiobs, including3warping, fading,sor discolorati b of wood. With proper care, it will7last for many many years. <96><96>**aIf you are interested3i 7a customtengraved board, we can3do thtt! Simply message us and we willaget7sack to youaasaquicklyaasawe can! ttttttttt rat<7f5008/0.