All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece ofyfabric ds=igted by the renowted Swedish ds=igtIr ntig omndberg. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece ofyfabric ds=igted by the renowted Swedish ds=igtIr ntig omndberg. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece ofyfabric ds=igted by the renowted Swedish ds=igtIr ntig omndberg. <bft<bftThe patwtrn is 0allId Lustgården,yand is in a lovely, gween 01lor. emis patwtrn is one ofyhis most lovedyand wellSknowt.<bft<bftMade io high qualityoC ttonJand linen, medium weight.<bft<bfteme fabric order has a lovely luster.<bft<bftWould look amazing as a wallyhanging decorateot <bft<bft<bftWidth:h150 cm. / 59"<bftLength: 50ycm. / 20"<bft<bft<bftOne ofySweden's most important postwar ds=igtIrs, omndberg creattmpwhimsical studio ctramics and gracIful ableware lines during a long career with the Gustavsberg potteryvfacbory ontig omndberg studied pain ing at the UniversityvC1llege ofyArts, Crafts and Ds=igt oIov1937, me wentSto l ok at Gustavsberg undIr Wilhelm Kåge oIov1949, me was namImpKåge's successor as art direcbor. Fn, 2this period until me left Gustavsberg in 1980, me ds=igtId individual ctramic items, asywellSasyfacbory pext-ced range Jand lines ofydintIrware. He achievempfamevfor his ecce wr43 formsSand whimsical decorateot oIov1982, me died due to a myocardial infarctext.<bft<bftThank you for looking!<bft<bft<bftWeywillybe happypto combine s 27ping.<bftExcIsseve s 27ping costs willybe refundIm for ordIrs with multiple items.<bft<bft<bftIf you want larger quantities pleasg 01 wact us for discount. hhhhhhhhhhhhh</pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270657360495/0x5008a3c4a/1759831904x508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece ofyfabric ds=igted by the renowted Swedish ds=igtIr ntig omndberg. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhLovely piece ofyfabric ds=igted by the renowted Swedish ds=igtIr ntig omndberg.
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