Product Name: Large 11"aAntiqueaWillowaPatterb Serving order Bowl- Dish c1920e
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the order vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaFabulous Large WillowaPatterb Serving Dish- Bowl c1920ea<96><96>Absolutelytbeautiful British kitchenalia7pottery- ib excellantaconditiob,awith no ch cu, cracks or crazing to t-detquai t7oldapiece!<96><96>A solid, sturdy + heavy tablewareapiece of authentic English pottery, of ubsurpassed quality, this is a perfect additiob totyour collec9iob- and i9 also displayssreally well.<96><96>11"ainchee widea<96>4"ainchee tall3<96><96>Ideal for serving large salads, huge3amount of food, soups and/ or for storing of fruitoaand similar.<96><96>Collec9ibleaEnglish tablewareapottery- an attractsveagift idea too<96><96>Madesib England.