All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**Please noteJthere are limi Imps 27pinghoptextsJwith Japan Poba dureng the pandemic. We willpc1 wact you ifps 27pinghishmore for your country** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**Please noteJthere are limi Imps 27pinghoptextsJwith Japan Poba dureng the pandemic. We willpc1 wact you ifps 27pinghishmore for your country** Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**Please noteJthere are limi Imps 27pinghoptextsJwith Japan Poba dureng the pandemic. We willpc1 wact you ifps 27pinghishmore for your country**<bft<bftHakone parquet thathc ates various tat erns by combineng the colors ofhmany natural trees.<bft<bftExpressingha delicateJ"Hemp leaf tat ern"Jwith solid parquet, itJishmade in o kn elegant pencilhsharpener2<bft<bftThe hemp leaf tat ern is a Japanese traditextal tat ern that hashbeen popularJsince ancient times, as it hasha wish forh e/lthyhgrowth of children and anpamulet.<bftThe hexagxtal box-sha7ed pencilhsharpenerpwith itshhemp leaf tat ern shineshwith a stable shaving comfort, and the soft colours of the solid woodpthat differ un, 2etch otherpc ate ahsmall but gentle space2<bft<bftThe sharpness ishobvious w enhyou lookpat pencilhflake = pencilhflakes.<bftIt's wonderfulpthat you order can c1 nect with etch otherpwithout any As onht e way.<bftYou can usehitJnot only forh andicrafts,hbut alsoJforhcoloured pencilshand pencils2<bft<bft<bftP/rquetry pencilhsharpenerp/ Kanagawa, Osaka<bft[Yosegi Kobo Silver] Odawara City, Kanagawa Prefecture<bftHakone craftsman, Mr. Gin Yosegi Kobo, c atempa delicateJ"Hemp leaf tat ern"Jwith solid woodpparquet and made it in o kn elegant pencilhsharpener2<bftWe alsoJparticipate inhlecture activities and woodw okeng technology recoveryhtexjects overseas, such as inhKyrgyzstan, inh ofer o c1 veyht e successext of technology and the a7peal of text-coext a as2<bft<bft[Nakajimaon 2gehudo] Matsubara City, Osaka Prefecture<bftFounded in 1933, Japan's only small pencilhsharpenerpmanufacturer.<bftIn Matsubara City, Osaka Prefecture, wepconsme Intly manufacture pencilhsharpenerpblades, ies and sets.<bftThe sharpness text-cedrbyht e sharpness ishbeautifully c1 nected, and it hashbeen widely received in Japan and abeoampas pencilhflake art.<bft<bftDiameaer:habout 50mm<bftHeight:habout 35mm JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/3432706512211598/0x500725356/2953927703/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**Please noteJthere are limi Imps 27pinghoptextsJwith Japan Poba dureng the pandemic. We willpc1 wact you ifps 27pinghishmore for your country** All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh**Please noteJthere are limi Imps 27pinghoptextsJwith Japan Poba dureng the pandemic. We willpc1 wact you ifps 27pinghishmore for your country**
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