Textured Oil Painting, Roses Painting, Floral Art, Modern Art, kitchen Wall Decor, Original Artwork, Home Decor, order Modern Roses Art. Frame Art
Textured Oil Painting Roses Painting Floral Art Modern Art kitchen Wall Decor.
Textured Oil Painting, Roses Painting, Floral Art, Modern Art, kitchen Wall Decor, Original Artwork, Home Decor, Modern Roses Art. Frame Art
Tittle: Roses
To view more of my unique artworks please visit:
Style: Modern & expressionism
Materials: Quality oil paint on board
Painter: Stanislav Lazarov
The painting is 100% hand painted using quality oil paint on board
With frame
Your painting will be cushioned and packed using highest grade shipping materials and will be boxed into double wall strong corrugated cardboard box which is made specifically for this size.
the size without frame:
7 7/8" x 11 13/16"
20 x 30 order cm
size with frame:
14 15/16" x 11"
28 x 38 cm
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