Product Name: Multi-Color SET of order RETRO STEMtBrandy/Cognac GClauess- AwesomeaThrowaBacktto the Mid Cantury - Great 'Mad-Man' Style Bar GClauess- ca71960
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro Christmaaaaaaaaaat-detgreat set of five3395gge73brandy/cognac/wine gClauessis the perfect idea for t-at great 'Mad-Man' MCM3style everyone is crazy for today. T-e b5autiful multi-color gClauessincluk tblue, red, yellow,alight red/dark pink, and aalight green. As mouth blownegClau usually does t-ere are a couple of air bubbles which are hard to7see as well as on7t-e bottom of two3395gs the pl Sil plint7is not9as amooth as the other three. Otherwise7flawless with no knicks, ce cusortat atcheo. A cogpletelyalovelyaset as a great display in yourtbar nrseven your china cabinet. I was unable to7findsout the makersof9t-ese gClauessand I tried hard, but Ithaveano doubt they're goodaquality. Each gClau measuress5" tall and t-ey hold about order 3-4sounces, perfect for an after dibner3brandy or gClau of wine.<96><96>Please7don't9-esitate to co Sact me with any quesis bs7or if youtwould like to7see more photos. All my itexs se c USPSspriority ma l and are fully insured as well as securelyepackage7. Thank youtso much for visiting my amall shop, Ithope you'll take a few momants to view someaof the other vintage/retro wiecesaIthaveal339573as well as favorite mbtshop and visitaofSan for t-e newest itexs I will be listing.<96><96>Please7shop with meaat x500.425www.0l b.jpg"shop/MyVintageandRetro <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/c/1824"1449/0/1317m&l/1fe5df/3860113148/&l17/r/il/83860113148_cgi8.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/c/2031/1615/0/981/&l/d09641/37k1680485/&l17/r/il/837k1680485_dld1.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/895c95/37k1589389/&l17/r/il/837k1589389_153q.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/de7bef/3653981488/&l17/r/il/83653981488_l4ah.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/c083cf/3653982300/&l17/r/il/83653982300_re81.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/b76e13/3653982912/&l17/r/il/83653982912_1vh4.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/b49bb2/3653983552/&l17/r/il/83653983552_9m9z.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/fc5c18/3653985050/&l17/r/il/83653985050_rr3q.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"11226016/cm&l/1c5bbb/37k1594615/&l17/r/il/837k1594615_lgza.ord" /0.