LIME FLOWER order Leaf 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried Bulk Herb, Tilia Spp Folia /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/

LIME FLOWER order Leaf 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried Bulk Herb, Tilia Spp Folia /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/,

ORGANIC Dried LIME FLOWER LEAF CUT ( Tilia spp ) Herbal medicine.

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Product code: LIME FLOWER order Leaf 4lb (1814g) ORGANIC Dried Bulk Herb, Tilia Spp Folia /Available qty from 2oz-4lbs/

ORGANIC Dried LIME FLOWER LEAF CUT ( Tilia spp ). Herbal medicine refers to using a plants seeds, berries, roots, leaves, bark, or flowers for medicinal purposes.


Listing Item Weight: 64oz (1814g)

Botanical name: Tillia spp

Common Names: Linden , Lime tree, Basswood,Tilia vulgaris. Tilia intermedia. Tilia cordata. Tilia platyphylla. Linden Flowers. Linn Flowers. Common Lime. Flores Tiliae. Tilleul.

Habitat: Northern Temperate Zone, especially British Isles.
Native in the UK and across Europe.An occasional resident in older woodland on fertile soils; can be locally common in England, Wales and into southern Scotland, rarer in Ireland.

Once a dominant woodland tree; now much reduced in range and a small component of oak and beech woodland. In some (mostly southern) English regions it is considered an ancient woodland indicator species.

Plant Description: The American linden,or basswood, Tilia americana, is a large tree attaining a height of from 60 to 125 feet with a trunk diameter of 2 to 5 feet, with spreading branches. The somewhat leathery leaves are pointed at the apex, heart-shaped at the base, with sharply toothed margins and are borne on stems about 1 or 2 inches long. The flowers are produced in great abundance from May to June in drooping clusters composed of from 6 to 20 yellowish, very fragrant flowers. At the base of each cluster and grown to its stalk is a leaflike bract 2 to 4 inches in length. The roundish, grayish-green fruit is dry and woody and contains one or two seeds.

Plant Part Used: The flowers, the charcoal.

Country of origin : BULGARIA

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