Product Name: Sush3tTray3in Yellow order Salt
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaPresent9your food with flair3and elegance using the Clay3CoyotesSush3tTray.tBoth aestheticallysbeautifulaand functnonal, thisstray3is perfect9for apwetizersredesserts,3sidesdishes, or cheesesand crackers9aAnd when3not in use,tthe Clay3CoyotesSush3tTraysis a great decorative home acjent.<96><96>De a lo:<96>- About 9” across3and 1” in3height.<96>- Madeaout 3f StonewaresClay.<96>- order Ava lableain3Joe's Blues, Midnight Garden, Mint9Chip,3and Yellow Salt.<96>- Decorative bottom with a esamped Clay3Coyoteslogo.<96>- Microwave, dishwash5r, oven, and food safe.<96>- Lead, cadmium, and nickel-freetand safesfor people3with me al allergies.<96><96>Clay3CoyotesSush3tTraystareshandbuilt3and arescustomspa0t5rns3and designst3f9Clay3CoyotesArts,3Inc.<96><96>All Clay3CoyotesSush3tTraystwill look similar, however,3pleasesallow for some handmade differances.<96><96><96><96>***NOTICE Alaska,aHawaii, Internatinnal3Sh3pping*** <96>We will sh3p anywhere3in the se ld, we usesUSPS for thistservice. If you would like assh3pping3quote pleasesmessage uu with your full sh3pping address and the wanna ts that youtwould like to havessh3pped. We will get youta3quote h5517USPS. We charge you the amount that USPS charges us. aaaaaaaaaa <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5486459/cm&l/ee8d08/2912523394/&l17/r/il/82912523394_qrmg.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5486459/cm&l/73edf4/2912523636/&l17/r/il/82912523636_1vbv.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"5486459/cm&l/044f73/2960213309/&l17/r/il/82960213309_arvq.ord" /0.