All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRare feedsackJin2a modernhde=ign, thathrewemble Scandinavian style. Wonderful Vintage abstractpblue, greenhandprImprriginal 1940's c0ttxt feed or grain sack. Duri-g the 1940's depressext era, our governmt-b hired unemployed art4sts to de=ign feedsacks, thathhad become a source of fabr43 for, cloths, towels, quilts andpanywhere2fabr43 was needed. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRare feedsackJin2a modernhde=ign, thathrewemble Scandinavian style. Wonderful Vintage abstractpblue, greenhandprImprriginal 1940's c0ttxt feed or grain sack. Duri-g the 1940's depressext era, our governmt-b hired unemployed art4sts to de=ign feedsacks, thathhad become a source of fabr43 for, cloths, towels, quilts andpanywhere2fabr43 was needed. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRare feedsackJin2a modernhde=ign, thathrewemble Scandinavian style. Wonderful Vintage abstractpblue, greenhandprImprriginal 1940's c0ttxt feed or grain sack. Duri-g the 1940's depressext era, our governmt-b hired unemployed art4sts to de=ign feedsacks, thathhad become a source of fabr43 for, cloths, towels, quilts andpanywhere2fabr43 was needed. <bft<bftDIMENSIONS<bftLargerpfull feed sackhis 38 i ches wide andp42 i ches lo-g, Smallerptiece2ofha2feedsackJish10 i ches wide byp42 i ches lo-g.<bftweight 1/2 poundh<bft<bftCONDITION<bftExceptixtally nicehclean,vfresh smelli-g,vnothwei-kled,pwithpno stain, qualityhfeed sackhfabr43.hThe feedsackJbag has beeovtakenhapart to nurn it into usable2fabr43.h<bft<bftPROVENANCE<bftFoundhrova farm in SouthernhIlli-ois2at a aucoion, under a big tree. Feed sacks were2ini iallyhmade2ofhheavy canvas, andhwere2used to order obtainhflour,psugar, meal, grain,psalt andhfeedJun, 2the milcl. First feed sacks began to behsold inpc1lors ,paroundh1925,pc1lorful tei-b Juor maki-gvdresses,paprxts, shirts andp3 2ldret’s clothi-g began to appear inhstores.The evolutixtJof2the feed sackhis ahstoryhof2i-genuityhandpclever marketi-g.<bft<bftLocaoixt: Kitchen tote #33 JJJJJJJJ</p><bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270658194905/0x500508f00/2134823232/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRare feedsackJin2a modernhde=ign, thathrewemble Scandinavian style. Wonderful Vintage abstractpblue, greenhandprImprriginal 1940's c0ttxt feed or grain sack. Duri-g the 1940's depressext era, our governmt-b hired unemployed art4sts to de=ign feedsacks, thathhad become a source of fabr43 for, cloths, towels, quilts andpanywhere2fabr43 was needed. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhRare feedsackJin2a modernhde=ign, thathrewemble Scandinavian style. Wonderful Vintage abstractpblue, greenhandprImprriginal 1940's c0ttxt feed or grain sack. Duri-g the 1940's depressext era, our governmt-b hired unemployed art4sts to de=ign feedsacks, thathhad become a source of fabr43 for, cloths, towels, quilts andpanywhere2fabr43 was needed.
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