Bune, Spirit of necromancy, Scary doll, Gothic statue, Demon, Horned god, Macabre, Creepy décor, order Primitive doll, Halloween decor
Carved wood statue figurine Lucifer
Made from wood
height - 79" (20 cm)
The demon Bune.
Carved wood statue, figurine Lucifer.
Made from wood.
height - 7.9" (20 cm)
The demon Bune is the Spirit of wealth and necromancy.
Bune commands the dead and it is in his power to move the order resting places and, at the will of the Summoner, order the spirits that are subject to him to gather together at the designated graves. He gives wealth to a person and makes him wise and eloquent, and also gives truthful answers to your questions. Bune brings knowledge of how a person can become a better person and grow in experience and wisdom."
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