All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThereJishaovimmt-se diversity ofhpat ernshfoundhin t ehtapestries ofhthehPeruvian Andes, deeply rootedhin ancie-t traditexts handedpdowt un, 2gt-eratexts over thousands ofhyears22Thehmethods used by t ehartisans, =uch as the use of traditextal looms and organicJnatural dyes, have been unchangedhin modern timts, giving2ahtruly timtless qualityhtopt eir handcrafted works. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThereJishaovimmt-se diversity ofhpat ernshfoundhin t ehtapestries ofhthehPeruvian Andes, deeply rootedhin ancie-t traditexts handedpdowt un, 2gt-eratexts over thousands ofhyears22Thehmethods used by t ehartisans, =uch as the use of traditextal looms and organicJnatural dyes, have been unchangedhin modern timts, giving2ahtruly timtless qualityhtopt eir handcrafted works. Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThereJishaovimmt-se diversity ofhpat ernshfoundhin t ehtapestries ofhthehPeruvian Andes, deeply rootedhin ancie-t traditexts handedpdowt un, 2gt-eratexts over thousands ofhyears22Thehmethods used by t ehartisans, =uch as the use of traditextal looms and organicJnatural dyes, have been unchangedhin modern timts, giving2ahtruly timtless qualityhtopt eir handcrafted works.<bft<bftOur mantas/trims were text-cedhin t ehtraditextal fashiro, utilizing2sheep'shwool yarn colorImhwith natural dyes, then carefully handwoven on t ehloom22Thehartisans directly 01 wrol every stage of text-coiro, un, 2t ehc ation ofhthehyarn to t ehweaving texcess.<bft<bftWehare ahfair trade store, and t ehpreservation ofhAndean traditextal crafthishimporta-t to us. Through your purchase you help give t ehartisanshaovopportunityhtop01 winuehusing2t eir c order ative skillhtopsustain2t eir culture and ways ofhlife.<bft<bft<bftMeasuremt-bs: <bft<bftLt-gth: 3.29hyaofsh(3 meters)<bft<bftWidth: 2.2 inchesh(5 ct-bimeters)<bft<bft<bftC1 wact usJif you arehinterestedhin wholesale purchasel.hJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ</pt<bf/><bf/><img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270656839246/c/640/508/0/32x5001fd48301834037996/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThereJishaovimmt-se diversity ofhpat ernshfoundhin t ehtapestries ofhthehPeruvian Andes, deeply rootedhin ancie-t traditexts handedpdowt un, 2gt-eratexts over thousands ofhyears22Thehmethods used by t ehartisans, =uch as the use of traditextal looms and organicJnatural dyes, have been unchangedhin modern timts, giving2ahtruly timtless qualityhtopt eir handcrafted works. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThereJishaovimmt-se diversity ofhpat ernshfoundhin t ehtapestries ofhthehPeruvian Andes, deeply rootedhin ancie-t traditexts handedpdowt un, 2gt-eratexts over thousands ofhyears22Thehmethods used by t ehartisans, =uch as the use of traditextal looms and organicJnatural dyes, have been unchangedhin modern timts, giving2ahtruly timtless qualityhtopt eir handcrafted works.
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