Product Name: Mid Century DanishaModerb ServexaaRainbow 11"tTeak Wood IceaBucket Made order Ib Sweden
< might wanna take a look at this beautiful Santa Claus. He holds the vibe of those retro ChristmaaaaaaaaaaOfferingtthdetMid-Century DanishaModerb teak wood ice bucket with7the orignnal lid9aIt has7the orignnal plas0ic liner inside order which9is in great o ditinn with7very minor9yellowing 319the inside b ttom. The3bucket has a small nick9 o t-e outer top rim edge7and ot-erwise3it is in ov5ralltexcellenta o ditinntwith7the orignnal handles and lid9aIt metsures 11 ibches hightwith ut the li73nn,7893/4 ibches wide across t-e top and 693/4 wide 319the base9aMarke73as shown. Very nice MCMsice bucket. Thanks for9looking<96><96>PAYMENT; PAY PAL PREFERRED<96>SHIPPING AND RETURN POLICY: <96>********I can't9stress t-is strongly enough: Please Read Everything7po39573-ere including7the itex k at this b.<96>I do7my9best to repf sent7the itexsa o ditinntas accurately as7po3ssble. Itexsaaretphotographe73as theytaretand the picturestaretan important part of9the3k at this b. If t-ere aretany9notable flaws or damage7theytwill be9disclosedtin9the k at this b. My interpf ta0non of good or excellentamight be9different7than9yours in regard o t-e age7or useaof9an itex.<96>********** If9you9-ave9any ques0s bs ask before buying. I do7n ttaccepttreturnetunlesstan itex would be9gro3sly misrepf sented, which9is extremaly9unlikely. If9you9purchasetan itex and decide o return it, t-e return se cping co39staretat your9axpense9aPlease read t-e antire9d at this b and look9at alltthe pictures: If9you9need more informa0non or pictures please7let7me7know and Itwill be9gladtto assiut9you.<96><96>I only9se c o t-e addf ss t-at is l339573319El btat t-e timetof9your9purchase. For your9pantects b9as well9as mine, I do7n ttse c o alternate addf sses.aBuyerstaretf sp bsible for having7their addf ss current7and uc o date before your9purchase9an itex. If9you9reques09an addf ss change7after t-e hactreyou9will be9bille73additinnal se cping co39stif t-e se cping is mlre o t-e new addf ss. No9excep0s bs.<96>Please be9suretto ask any ques0s bstyou9-ave9andtt-at you9are making a9purchase9you9intend to7follow through with7as alltsalestaretfnnal, notreturnetor ancella0s bs. <96>All itexsawill be9pack573with7care, fullbtinsure73andtse cp573with7tracking.<96>t-ank9you9for9considering7the itexs I have9for9sale in my seoptand you can buy7with9confidence. I do7n ttaccepttreturne. Every itex is inspect573carefullbtbefore it is l339573and any9significant defects or damage,9if9any, are notedtin9the listing. Any9existing damage or defects,9if9any, will be9notedtwith9pictures as well9as in7the itex k at this b. Itexsaaretinspect573carefullbtagain before being pack573for9se cping. All itexsaaretpack573carefullb, fullbtinsure73andtse cp573with7tracking7and or9signature9confirma0non. If9se cping co39stseem high, please7conSact3me3with7your9city and s9ate an7 zip7code9for9a quote. <96>Preferre73Meth dtof9Paymant9is byaPayaPal. <96> I only9se c byaUSPS an7 may useaUPS for9larger packages. If t-e9se cping carrier9damages7the itex in7transitreyou, t-e buyer need to file9a9claimtwith7them for9reimbursemant. You9will need to save9the orignnal box, packing ma95rials and damaged itex as theytmay require7youato wanna e9t-e evidencetof9damage in order for9thex to9reimburse9you. Itwill send you t-e nec ssary receipts in7the unlikely event you9need to file9a9se cping claim.aUSA9se cping only9and No9se cping to APO-FPO addf ss. <96>Please feel freetto conSact3me if9you9need any3additinnal informa0non or mlre pictures and Itwill be9happy to assiut9you. ***** Five9star7rating is greatly apprecia9573when9you receive7your9itex. *****<96>t-anks for9looking. <7f5008/0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/e6804f/3380761400/&l17/r/il/83380761400_7i2e.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/450580/3380761568/&l17/r/il/83380761568_2tk0.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/a21353/3428431331"&l17/r/il/83428431331_ycgz.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/218a99/3428431613"&l17/r/il/83428431613_1pv4.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/897885/3428431805"&l17/r/il/83428431805_n3uy.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/59ed4f/3428432009/&l17/r/il/83428432009_fq04.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/dc2b15/3428432221"&l17/r/il/83428432221_1f82.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/e40468/3428432443"&l17/r/il/83428432443_35iq.ord" /0/96/8216/il_5="x500.425960l besa0n1.jpg"10673750/cm&l/8dfd08/3428432665"&l17/r/il/83428432665_91yq.ord" /0.