All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging. All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhThisp16x20 framIpis manufacoured un, 2100% authen ic weatheredhwood allowing the rus ic charm of the naoural knots, nt c holespandhcolorhvaria iros show through. Thisvcharming framIpc1mes with plexigak-w, back andhhanger. Thisvis a flat framIpwith a 3.25oinch moulding to geve it a unique look. All our framIs are cust, madeJat the time of order andhwillhvaryhslightly un, 2the picoure due to the naoure of the wood. Please remtmber to teelpoff the protecteve film un, 2your plexigak-whbeforehhanging.