Monogram vegan leather triangle bag, Bridal Party personalized bags, Personalized designer order bags, monogram bags,

Monogram vegan leather triangle bag, Bridal Party personalized bags, Personalized designer order bags, monogram bags,,

These TRVL Luxe designer vegan triangle zip bags with signature gold stars are a beautiful.

  • Eclipse/Grove
  • Chalk/Grove
  • Black/White
  • Magnet Fossil
  • 8
  • 8.5
  • 9
  • 9.5
  • 10
  • 10.5
  • 11
  • 11.5
  • 12
  • 12.5
  • 13
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Product code: Monogram vegan leather triangle bag, Bridal Party personalized bags, Personalized designer order bags, monogram bags,

order These TRVL Luxe designer vegan triangle zip bags with signature gold stars are a beautiful bags. They are the perfect size for a make up bag, or a clutch. Bags measure 10”L x 6”H x 4”D

The vegan leather is super soft, and easy to clean. The outside of the bags are custom printed and can be cleaned with a damp cloth (avoid rubbing to hard). They have a gold zipper, signature liquid gold interior with a matching signature gold dust bag.

You can personalize with either a monogram, or single letter. There are 6 fonts to choose from. Then, choose from white, plain gold or sparkle gold. Have another color in mind? No problem! We are happy to work with you to make these bags exactly what you are dreaming of. Please reach out with any questions.

Use the personalization section for what you would like on each bag. Please double check all information. Once bags are made they can not be changed. If doing monograms, list letters in the exact order you want them to appear on the bags.

Returns & exchanges
I gladly accept cancellations- within: 4 hours of purchase
Due to items being handmade for each order, I do not accept returns/exchanges, unless items are damaged or incorrect. A picture does need to be provided by the buyer to show the issue with the item.
But please contact me if you have any problems with your order.

We are not responsible for shipping times once item has left our shop.
*Please be sure to double check your shipping address. We are not responsible for deliveries to wrong addresses associated with your Etsy account. Please double check your address before ordering.

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