order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMillion Charm J925 Saerling Silver NauticalyCharm, 3D Large Pelican Standing (3.0 grams). The dent chand quality in workmans 27 byunbeatable! order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMillion Charm J925 Saerling Silver NauticalyCharm, 3D Large Pelican Standing (3.0 grams). The dent chand quality in workmans 27 byunbeatable! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMillion Charm J925 Saerling Silver NauticalyCharm, 3D Large Pelican Standing (3.0 grams). The dent chand quality in workmans 27 byunbeatable! <bft<bft Image ENLARGEDpto show dent c. Weight/Sizes APPROXIMATE<bft Made in the U.S.A.<bft Anbe-Tarnish C1ateng (Guaranteed)<bft Size: .75"hwide x 1" high<bft<bftThankhyou for 01 sider4ng your pur0hase ofhMillion Charm Jf4nehjewelry.hAllhMillion Charm Jf4nehjewelry (excludingrehains) arepdesignedpand crafted in the U.S.Sbyhour own skilled artisans t Aing pride in the quality and workmans 27 ofheach piece. Guaranteedpto be unee un, 2manufac uring defects,hour jewelry is crafted only un, 2the f4nest qualityhalloys. <bftoGold Jewelry: 14 karats (58.3%hgrld), idealhfrr makingreharms.<bftoSilver Jewelry: 925 Saerling Silver, e-01a Impto prevenb tarnishing. Silver 0harm Jwithhmovable 706ponenbsJareprhodium pla Impto prevenb tarnishing.<bftYou can be texudpto wear Million Charm Jjewelry know4ng that each piece is crafted withhthe f4nest at3enbextpto dent c, makingrithtruly anhexquisite workhof art. Time-honorIm, grldSor silver 0harm Jarepa uniquepkeepsake withhmagicJ n everyp0harm. Enjoy! <bft<bftFine Jewelry CarepInstruc exts: <bft•To 0lean, rinse withhwarmhwatsr and rub withhf4ngertips. A mild liquid hand =oapSor dish washing liquid canSbeJusImpwith a soft me leptoothbrush to 0leanSbetween crevices.hhPatpdrypwith a soft cloth. hStorepin a Jjewelry pouch frr safepkeeping. For silver jewelry, do not usI silver polish. <bft•I J byrecommended that jewelry be worn aftsr lo ixtspandvmakeup havehbeen appliempto prevenb soiling or disc1loring jewelry.<bft•A Jwithhany f4nehjewelry, itp byrecommended to remove priorpto swimming or shower4ng. Avoid high humidity.<bft•With pexper carepandvmain Inaoce, your grldSand =ilver 0harm Jwill lasthfrr genera exts.<bft<bft<bftTopxrder withhehain, see op ixts. </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270658004796/0x5009857bd/1235287049/508500x500 order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMillion Charm J925 Saerling Silver NauticalyCharm, 3D Large Pelican Standing (3.0 grams). The dent chand quality in workmans 27 byunbeatable! order All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhMillion Charm J925 Saerling Silver NauticalyCharm, 3D Large Pelican Standing (3.0 grams). The dent chand quality in workmans 27 byunbeatable!
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